FRgrower, rolling old school, all from scratch! I LOVE a proper roll, bread in general,.. those rolls are "pillowy" I think is the word you're looking for,...
--placing my order now,...
Duggy! You nailed my craving, and it's killin' me!
you too dammit, Rebel! Too funny, my sister and I were talking about one of Dad's favorites country cookin' classic (thanks to Grandma on Mom's side, PA-Dutch country folks) -- chicken/country fried steak
...mash and pan gravy (with bacon fat too?)
... peas are goodness... If I can find them, I'll score fresh English peas for making cream peas, practically a meal itself!
Every now and again I just get a hankering for it... that or baked steak, which the Lady has told me she wants very soon lol I only made 4 of these tonight and we only ate two lol it's good on a biscuit the next day! The pepper gravy I cheated with... lol store bought mix you just mix it with cold water then pour boiling water in and mix like the dickens... These are organic sweet peas in BPA free cans. Wifey can't get enough peas!