@hecno -- that's a fine reflection my friend,... somehow, I'm not surprised you're the town butcher ...and a barbie-Master! How were they mate, mission accomplished, nobody suspects? You and the hounds beached on your favored seats, groaning and snoozing, no tell there?

... they look delish', nice color from that marinade-
Duggy-Burger, opening soon near you! That's a nice fat-phat patty there my friend,... what kind of meat did you use? My fav' is a lovely chuck from a local market,....

Whaaaat, no chips??!
Archie, I knew you were forkin' with us!

Haute' cuisine indeed,... so, spagbol, a "hybrid" sauce mate? Works for me, I'm mental for good marinara and Bolognese! .... Mmm you putting idea'ers in me head,...
... oh man, my stomach is growling for it now! How long, and what woods did you use? I'm guessing, no leftovers,....
A-Train my man, that is a bomb-city boigah right there!

.... I love the fried egg and bacon combo, caramelized onio'hhh (Cajun accent ) takes it over the top!

... fat stacked like Duggy's,... no way you get it all in one bite, 'less you got snake jaw!!
Micron', you and
Ozone are the Champs of gellie-time snacks! A great late night snack-meal indeed,... hey, I still think a classic-taste burger should have "american" cheese on it!
@Seabass where you at dewd?!