Live Stoners Live Stoner Eats !!! Let's See what's for Dinner

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Whoa....that's crazy. And to think some home brew beer started all that. You're body can by your worst enemy, and this is a textbook example. Best of luck dude, I wasn't even aware of all that. May your bacon bring a smile like this did for me. I sacrificed the last 2 slices of the cherry glazed ham and shaved it diagonally across the grain, added that to a couple slices of thick bacon and made this here Chicken Cordon Bleu sammich on Brioche with Swiss. It's gone.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Now that is just torture.......... Looks good enough to eat.
@Dr.Bubbles I was totally inspired by that sammich.

Here is my diet friendly version, Croissant, Best Foods Mayo, fried egg, Swiss cheese food slice. Home made chicken breakfast sausage patty and Mesquite smoked turkey slices. Sucked that baby down in nothing flat.

I do not know if you can get these croissants where you live but they are better than most bakery's.

@Dr.Bubbles I was totally inspired by that sammich.

Here is my diet friendly version, Croissant, Best Foods Mayo, fried egg, Swiss cheese food slice. Home made chicken breakfast sausage patty and Mesquite smoked turkey slices. Sucked that baby down in nothing flat.

I do not know if you can get these croissants where you live but they are better than most bakery's.

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Now there is a "diet sammich" I could get into. Looks lovely.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
That's some deliciously looking trippy shit right there!!!
I didn't even realize that ALL that was food till I took another gander. Trippy indeed.

Friday night chillin with Nurse B and Royalroacho turned into 3 way meatballs, which turned into meatball bombers with a mushroom tortellini side. Got the meatball trifecta of beef, pork and veal with tons of garlic and a whole tin of parm, along with fennel seeds. The secret to the best meatballs is the double cook method of the pros. Get a skillet or griddle fairly hot and sear em for 4-5m per side and drop em in a baking dish with some tall side walls. Pour your sauce directly over that, wrap it up tight with aluminum foil and bake it till it looks insane. About 1¾h @ 375° for a big pan packed tight.

We also whipped up an Oreo Cheesecake in my 10" springform. 5 blocks, 8 eggs, and a whole family sized package of Oreo cookies. Just the chocolate cookie part, I ditched the cream...which was scooped up by Royal who proceeded to eat most of it. This is one of the firmest cheesecakes I've ever made. We did the long slow method, which is THE way to make a cheesepie. Fill a baking dish with hot water to make a water bath pan, place directly underneath on the bottom rack and preheat to 450°. Pop the cake in for 15m then twist the dial down to 225° without opening the oven and let her go till she's done, usually about 2h or so. The low temp and the water bath is how you keep the cracks at bay. It's also harder to fuck up if you're not paying attention as much as you should. What a delicious Friday night extravaganza. Royal said this was his favorite thing I've made so far that he's had. Something real special about a good meatball sammiches that's a little sloppy without being soggy in the least. Next time you make meatballs, try the double cook method if you aren't already doing it. It's one of those things that will change the way you make balls....and talk about flavor in the cooked sauce, it's gotta be illegal in most places.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
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