Live Stoners Live Stoner Eats !!! Let's See what's for Dinner

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Button Ribs* over charcoal n cherry with a genuine homemade coffee rub, indirect with no thermometer (that's how easy it is on a kettle) on the 26" domed Weber. Seved with a baked russ tater and a quick iceberg salad with a 3:1 Marie's Bleu Cheese/Zesty Italian dressing with grape tomatoes, fresh onions, a dot of extra sharp white fine shredded, and some gahlic croutinz. OMG....just finished my salad....perfection IMO, was worth walking 5 miles for, no joke.

*These are fresh raw $1.99/lb "Riblets" that you get at Applebee's. Only $14.99 for "All U Can Eat**". They are laughing right to the bank as $14 fed 6 adults by doing it at They are awesome, but somewhat hard to find.

**Not all you can eat, all WE ALLOW you to eat. Applebee's and it's licensed subsidiaries maintain the right to refuse or deny service at any time for financial reasons and under no terms is this a binding contract or guarantee of right to service. Visit www Applebee' for further information.
[emoji768]Applebee's[emoji769] and Zanthum Trigonometry and Offshore Holdings [emoji767]2018

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There called KAAHBS Joe
Dam that looks good✌️
Didn't take a picture but the wife made french bread with fruit bread instead of regular bread last night. It was amazing!

Sent from my comfy chair.
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New housemate when I move in a few weeks has a shellfish allergy so trying to get a little shrimp in while I can still bring it in the house. Little Cajun place in town does some really good shrimp and grits. Should have some bacon from what I'm seeing in most of the recipes I'm seeing, but their version is still really yummy!!!

If you're ever looking for something different with a little Cajun flavor...
Nice looking shrimp...For those of you guys that can eat skrimps, check this: I used to live in Orlando about 16 years back, Semoran and Curry Ford, by the commuter airport (Right down the street from the infamous Casey Anthony, baby killer)...we would go to this supermarket called Price-Rite. Score 5lbs of Gulf Pink Shrimp, about 20 per lb, super fresh, in a big ziplock bag, for $12. Stupid cheap...moved back to NY and that stopped. Fast forward about a decade and I see a local commercial for grand opening of Price-Rite here!! Same logo and everything. So, we went. Bam....this is what I still in the shipping boxes like Aldi, except it's all name brand shit. Real good shit....with the best prices around on MOST stuff. I'm sure some of you have seen my grilled shrimp on a couple posts here...I get these from Price-Rite for $9.99 for 2 freaking pounds of 16-20s. You gotta clean em...but so what...Wegmans, when they even carry em, wants about $21.99 per pound for em. They are cleaned, but that ain't worth paying 4x as much. And Weggies has em at 21-25s, where mine are bigger and more expensive 16-20s. If you haven't bought Gulf Pink Shrimp. Do it. Now. They are a close second behind true Black Tiger Prawns in my opinion. Go see if you have a local Price-Rite and find the frozen Pink Shrimp, Raw, Shell-on, uncleaned, for $9.99 for 32oz. Clean em, rinse and Pat dry, then : flour - egg wash - Panko - Rest 8m before dropping em - Fry till golden and serve with zesty STRONG cocktail sauce and tartar sauce with fresh lemon wedges. My favorite way is on the gas or charcoal grill, direct, on high. Leave shells ON, marinate em overnight in beer, lemon juice, Old Bay, and oil. Make a sauce with 3 parts butter, 1 part lemon juice, Old Bay, pepper, garlic powder, salt and flour/cornstarch/parmesan to make it stick real good. Get it hot and whisk it together...also a little Frank's Red Hot or Sriracha is good here. Make a bunch as it goes quick. Grill em on super hot wide open with some spray. They actually take about 15m....which seems like a lot, but that's what keeping the shells on is for. It also keeps the protein away from the grill itself, so it doesn't stick much at all. Still use a dot of spray when they go on. Top down and let them bitches sizzle. About 5m in, spray the tops, flip em and start saucing em with the butter. Do that till they are done. Once first round is finished put em in a big Tupperware with a tight lid and if you throw a couple beach towels around it, it will stay warm till u are done. Dump em in with a little sauce, shake em and do the next round. Repeat. Serve with nothing, or whatever u like. Best two shrimp recipes I have ever experienced. Between the two, minus shrimp cocktail, which the grilled shrimp make the best cocktail shrimp EVER...that's about covers it for how I like to eat shrimp. Both these recipes I have done exclusively with the Pink Shrimp from Price-Rite. The skrimps there are so freaking cheap, we have probably grabbed about 25 bags now. At least 18 all day. We did four bags on the grill for a party last year...8 lbs for $40, blew people's minds. If you own a hot gas grill and can get some Pink Shrimp, try this....its so easy too. The grilled shrimp peel in one shot like removing a jacket, make sure to butterfly them deep and long and leave the shell attached from the butt to the tail. Feel free to PM me for any questions as I love sharing killer easy recipes that blow minds.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Will try those. I won't by the ones from overseas ever. Usually bring some back from the gulf when I go fishing but they dont last long enough.
All packaged seafood, at least in the USA, has to show the country of origin. The ones we get at Price-Rite are from a few different places. A few were from here, I suspect Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Texas. Some were from Mexico, and some were from down south like Tobago and Belize. Never seen anything from across the pond as far as Pink Skrimps go. I love to boycott stuff

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
I may have overdone the garlic. My eyes are almost burning from the lingering sautéed garlic smell filling the house. Trying to use up stuff in the freezer as I get closer to moving, so just kind of winging it on some Italian tonight. Got the grill up to high and tossed in a five pack of Italian sausage links, grilled them for about 4-5 per side until they were nice and done. Meanwhile, sautéed up in some olive oil some red onion, red and green bell, and a healthy does of fresh minced garlic. Let that cook up real nice while I boiled some water and warmed up a package of frozen tortellini. After the sausages were done, sliced them up and mixed it all together. Into a baking pan and topped off with a mix of Monterey jack and mozzarella cheese. Let the grill come down to 350F while the prep was goin' on, and got the casserole baking in it alongside some baby golden taters tossed in some olive oil and an Italian herb seasoning mix. Pic to come...…

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