Snack time...
Any experienced sausage makers amongst all the awesome cooks here on the AFN foodie thread?
I'm thinking of picking up a grinder/stuffer attachment for the mixer and getting into making some links for both the humans and the pooch of the house. But....while there are lots-o-recipes out there for making human sausage, searches for dog sausage tend to pull up hundreds of pages on how to make great hot dogs.
So may have to just wing it and try to come up with something. Wondering folks thoughts on mixing vegetables with meats in the sausage process. Thinking of just doing some turkey breast, zucchini, bell pepper, and maybe some carrot. Grind it all up and mix it together. Don't think it would need any spices since fido isn't looking for that they way humans do. Stuff it all in some casing, dehydrate to make it easier to store, bake for a few minutes to kill off any lurking nasties, and then should be able to store in mason jars for a good long while after cutting into little doggy bite sized pieces.
Anyhow...just looking for any thoughts from any of the amazing AFN chefs out there...