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idly wonderz if they sell hot dog flavored popcorn at the movie theater.....with xtra butter of course :smokeit: :pop: ppp
Popcorn with nacho cheese was the lick back in the day! I’m pretty sure they would cut up a hotdog into the bag too! Probably run u about $29 tho! :yoinks::crying:
That's across the street from the old Laneco?

hmmm, i thought the old Laneco was torn down to put in a Piggly Wiggly-?......but, i've been wrong before, so....:shrug: ppp

Laneco was similar it Kmart but with food. Early version of Walmart. We had Kmart, Laneco and Jamesway here when I was a kid. Don't think we got a Walmart until the late 90s. There's an old laneco in my area that's a habitat for humanity store and some sort of church currently
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