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:biggrin:. I couldn't have waited......

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Happy Sunday Mossy! Woke up cause the dogs wanted to go outside but now I'm awake and it's 3:30 am ....what to dooo.....

What kind of smells are you getting? The buds look fantastic!
the bastard smells like candy... fingers crossed the flavor is similar..
the deadite is a sour stinker and the flavor resembles the smell..the double grape is well...double grapey lol
Sounding good :doc3:...I'll keep you on the sick note a bit longer.

Hubby gets that one ankle swelling problem ever since he had his cancer op and they removed a lot of the lymph glands in his groin.

Every time something triggers his immune system it kicks it off. Nothing seems to help except propping it up on cushions when he is sitting to drain back ...and because it is painful that's not the best.

I used to make him walk along the tide line in the sea....heeey...if it's good enough for horses..........

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This morning the swelling had gone down quite a bit. Could be that I was laying down or might be working itself out we'll see. Nice to stand on it without pain though. As far as the rest, looks like I'll be on the blood thinner for the rest of my life as a preventative like my other pills. Follow up CT in about 3 months so we'll see then. Body feeling pretty OK this morning but still taking easy doing minimal chores and trying to eat more tp build back up, 1st goal is 145.

:kitty: So.... Morning Kittens :coffee2: and Frank :pass: where ever he may be. 38 when stepped out this morning, up to 44 now so gonna be a good day I think as long as I can do my thing without incurring her wrath. DiL been having phone problems so texting has been very minimal. Hope a great day is on the horizen for every one.
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