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Mercury is used in gold processing to extract gold from ore by forming an amalgam:
Ahh so your hitting old mines, yeah, it can be a problem in that situation. Had a few spots that talked to the land owners about how extensie the mines were on their creek and supposedly the creek was so small back then there wasn't much activity. They were surprised mercury was ever used. Never did find any so they were happy.
I'm getting a friend in to indoors gardening. Living in an outlaw country I'm thinking it's double up a bit, if, god forbid, a lighting bolt comes and wipes out my grow, or something else nasty right, I can still get some bud. He's had problems with smack and I'm so happy to have gotten him in to smoking weed instead. I push good bud on him whenever I see him. Docs gives him pills. Good thing there's stoner dropouts like me who knows medicine better than actual professionals 🙄

Stuff I have I can give him: A 45cmx45cmx120cm tent. A 65w quantum board. A couple of clip fans. Pots and soil and shit he can take whatever he wants, I'm switching (back) to hydro after this grow anyway.
I have a blurple light also I'll throw in. I'd run that too in flower. Anyway.

It'll grow an alright Autoflower, I've done it myself.

I'm gonna get him to buy a descent fan and a filter right off right, tell him he can use that with his "next, big tent" too if he buys intelligently now.

I want him to have fun, like I am, and not get caught.

He lives in an apartment.

What do you guys think? Anything I'm missing?
I have prospected all over the west Sierras from Tahoe south to Kings Canyon and out in the desert by Randsburg. The Randsburg trip was a LDMA group effort. We moved 17 yards of pay dirt through dry washers. The dust is like talcum powder and most of the dirt flew into the air and coated you like breaded chicken. It was absolutely terrible. I will never dry wash again. My cut of the gold recovered over 3 days would not buy a tank of gas back then. Two weeks later in the same spot they pulled over an ounce of good nuggets per miner! GPAA has a bunch of pretty good claims in the Sierras. Italian Bar is very pleasant but like all prospecting you need to have a bit of luck on top of your hard work.
The best I ever did there was just over an oz for a weekend. Split tween us it wasn't much, they finally asked why I was giving them any when I would show up next time......I was never trying to make money, it was the Zen of it. Get going at in a creek, after a couple pans you just kinda zone out, the sounds of the water, the animals in the woods. Eventually you get to a place that when you have a particularly good pan come up you go" huh, nice" and continue gold fever buzz or anything.

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