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Ill definitely do that. Trifecta is good stuff. Only need one application and after 3 weeks or so the outside of my rain science bags where white. Never seen that with any other myco. And you have to keep adding.
Now that's quite the feat on rain science bags!
What kills me is the prices for the crap product that the stupid 'Compassionate Care' BS program!
My old neighbor showed me exactly what they prescribed for him and the price ! Pretty crappy weak ass tinture was fucking $90 for 30ml!

Compassionate my ass!!!!!!!!:grrr1:

I sent him some multiple cycle infusion coconut oil! It's very potent!:cools:
1 dropper had his butt floored for quite a few hours!:grin::eyebrows::eyebrows:
My mom got onto the trial for having nerve pain! She started with the pills and then swapped to gummies! Think it was like $250ish for 60 a month! Only reason she stayed on for a while was cuz her pain dr let her supplement them with homemade ones since didn’t test concentrations when they would do drug testing!
One part MC is good too, just not as flexible as the two part stuff. You will do fine with it as long as you keep your EC/ppm sorted. When you mix it, do your best to make sure the dry ingredients are well mixed, and you are better off making a batch of stock rather than only a small amount of ready to use stuff. Using a larger quantity of the dry mix reduces the chance that the ratios in the mix could be altered by the way the stuff sorts in the bag. Also, you are best off transferring the entire bag into an air tight jar that can keep it bone dry while being stored.

Good luck with it, I hope it all works well for you. :pighug:
I have thought about premixing like 3 gals. The way I do it is not ideal from what you are saying. I ponder the idea of mixing it pre hand in like 3 gals at full strength then cutting it with water per stage of plant when needed.
Ill keep adding what I got. Do you add it throughout the whole grow or just in flower. I been 1/2 teaspoon a gal every other watering from like 2 weeks on till harvest.
As long as you don’t let your pots dry out u don’t need to add microbes near that often! If it works for u tho stick with it!
Now that's quite the feat on rain science bags!
It was crazy. Thought it was mold or salts at first but it was the whole bag and didnt even give it enough nutes to get salt build up yet. You could tell it wasnt salt build up if you really looked at it. Thats might have some salt build up at the bottom everywhere there is soil its white. Got to be from the myco.
As long as you don’t let your pots dry out u don’t need to add microbes near that often! If it works for u tho stick with it!
I do have a problem with letting go to long. Its always I should have watered them yesterday.
Ill keep adding what I got. Do you add it throughout the whole grow or just in flower. I been 1/2 teaspoon a gal every other watering from like 2 weeks on till harvest.
Well, I put it like this................. I have been using Medina horticultural molasses since the very early 90s. I started out buying it in gallon jugs and ended up and I think it was 45 gallon drums at the very end. I brewed compost tea in 500 gallon tanks in the compost and other ingredients were in burlap bags. I had a dedicated air compressor running the bubblers that I made.
To answer your question, I use it the entire cycle. :grin: :eyebrows:
I've been kind of combining my feeds and inoculations with brewing my compost tea.
I'll start a regular compost tea with compost and EWC and use molasses as the microbe feed. Depending on the time of the cycle, I will also add whatever nutrient I want to feed, such as my FFJ. The last four hours of the brew, I will add whatever inoculate I'm using in that particular feed. I have been alternating between root wise and recharge.
When I use the Rootwise enzymes, I use them at the time of mixing up, just before I put into the sprayer. I I add the enzymes at the very last, so that if there are any roots that are damaged, there'll be plenty enzymes there to take care of that and clean it up. Along with making everything more available. Kind of a twofer!
I paid $30 a bag at stevens shop ;)
It would probably cost me about 50 bucks in gas round trip.

I'd probably get pulled over coming home with the Crown Vic looking like a low rider with the ass dragging in the back! :crying: :crying: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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