Rather not deal with any of that shit. Winter indoors here is good, I just need to humidify when things get really dry and so far, coco has managed to never host bugs, at least not bad ones that I have noticed.
The bugs and mold are too much for me outdoors. Too cold and wet once outdoor girls are trying to wrap it up. Since I can grow more than I need in one winter grow indoors, that is all I bother with now. I am glad indoors works well for me here.
OTOH, this place comes with its interesting bits, like fresh grizzly bear tracks on one of our local dog walking trails about 500m from our home. I am pretty sure that bear watched the dog and I go by on our way home, the tracks were not there on our way out about 15 minutes earlier, and the bear was moving in our direction. I think it heard us coming and moved off the trail to get out of our way. I think the dog smelled the bear, because she all of a sudden stuck to me like glue for a while. A friend of mine also had fresh tracks two days ago up his driveway in the snow. The big males stay out later but not for much longer now.![]()
You carry spray or a pew pew? 44 at minimum or baretta 1301 with slugs is my suggestion!