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not an option unfortunately
Only thing I found to take the cold nose smells out of your house from chem dog crosses/Bruce banner/99,98,96 skunk, are those cheap damp rid boxes at dollar stores. The cooler the air the stronger the smell, warm air spreads the smell. I just buy a case for about 20 bucks a spread them out. Change them every 2/3 months.
Only thing I found to take the cold nose smells out of your house from chem dog crosses/Bruce banner/99,98,96 skunk, are those cheap damp rid boxes at dollar stores. The cooler the air the stronger the smell, warm air spreads the smell. I just buy a case for about 20 bucks a spread them out. Change them every 2/3 months.

Morning @MidIN2 :pass: ... #SharingOne

You good ...?....:headbang:
gotta love cold winter fishing and good home grown weed products.
I checked the fridge last night..

I can't feed the dogs until we have been shopping..

I can't feed the chickens until we have been shopping...

And I can't feed the humans until we have been shopping it is then....

Time to get me levels up...
...lucky...hubby is on a go I've got plenty time........

infused chicken

Infused chicken....?...sounds good......:chef:....

how about you?

Still waiting to go shopping.......:pass:
Still waiting to go shopping.......:pass:

No longer waiting to go shopping.......I found a pizza in the freezer and chill con carne...for the humans...

A packet of frozen minced beef...which will cover the dogs...

And the poultry can wait...they have plenty food...they are just partial to a bit of iceberg lettuce for a morning treat....

When hubby is on a go slow it's not worth pushing........:pass:
not an option unfortunately
I assume your HVAC returns from the house to the basement cooled/heated then sent back up to the house. I'd be checking the return ducting for opening that basement air is getting in. If your basement is art of the HVAC being cooled/heated then there will be a return duct somewhere down there drawing in air, find it, put a filter over it.
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