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Going there tomorrow to look at land to buy and maybe build a house. Been in the works for a bit so kinda funny considering the people saying they're going to do it after this weeks election results.
Canada always felt a bit like a halfway house between Scandinavia and the US to me. But my only time in Canada was a drive and two airports. All I know is through other people.
I highly recommend drying weed in a fridge if you got one you won't be needing for a month. Try a stem maybe.
My only modification to the fridge was pulling the shelves and stuff out of it and adding a computer fan to get some circulation. It's been awesome.
@Hotfire this flavor is pretty tasty! Kinda like a semi sour blackberry candy!
View attachment 1717076

These new ones are cool and this flavor is f-ing bomb! Super grapey!
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View attachment 1717080
If you find this flavor try it! Not a huge orange flavor vape fan but this taste like orange cream pops it's really good. 3rd time back to back I've got this one!
I'm no scientist but I assume all the terpenes that used to linger around my house when I dried weed now stays in the fridge and is less volatile since the temps are lower and to some extent stays on the flower.

This is the terpiest weed I have ever produced. Bruce Banner Autoflower.
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