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In 2012 my wife and I moved out of Sarasota, to a quiet community south called North Port. We were quite rural in comparison to where we had just moved from. Little did we know that the Great Halloween drought had begun. 10 years later we moved to Alabama, and then just at the beginning of this year we moved again. We have not seen a trick or treater since 2011. Not a single one. It's so.... wonderful! No bratty little kids trying to steal my candy! :woohoo1:

Morning @Vhenzhini :pass: .. when we lived in town..we had 1 Halloweener in all the years we lived there....and I had absolutely nothing to give the poor little girl....:shrug:..I was gutted..but it just never happened in Spain.

And it anyone turns up here with a Halloween mask any time of year..... it'll be a shotgun we'll be needing.....:shooty:

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