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My soccer coach had one of these in his car when I was a kid. It used to make the horn go off when it rang. Mind blowing at the time :crying:
I was in 5th grade i believe when my best friend at the times pops came to pick us up to go camping and he had 1 in his truck! Funny cuz this was the biggest hoopty piece of shit little chevy pickup but he had a brand new mobile phone in it that probably cost $8 a minute to call someone! :yoinks::haha::rofl:
Couldn't make it draw one.....

He shouldn't drive after toking anyways.

He’s supposed to be surfing a giant joint but guess u can’t get everything u ask for! :shrug::rofl:
They take a while to be effective tho! They work best as a preventative not for an outbreak! Predator mites work great and in an earthbox under the cover they can grow to a healthy population and i have put used soil into a tote for months unwatered and unattended and can go back and amend the soil later to use and i will find a new population of them has sprung up!

Rove beetles work great but they themselves fly so u wind up with them flying all over the house or they fly around the tent and land in trichomes and get stuck so u find dead beetles in your flowers at harvest! :yoinks::nono::rofl:
Toads work in less than a week. If there is an infestation, it's probably already too late.
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