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Whoops that was meant for the private staff chat. Oh well now you know how we operate.
I have the problem of too much weed. I grow way more than I use and still have plenty after hashmaking, gifting to my son, friends, and neighbors.

Maybe this malawi cob cure is a good experiment. I could use mids so I don't risk losing my best buds.

My stashes are near 58% rH. Is that moist enough for this process?
You actually make the cob, bag em or vacuum seal em and cookem at 104 for a little bit. Then let it sit for a while dark and cool, repeat the process a couple of times and thats it i think, there are some tutorials, a really good one here if you just search malawi cob. Seems really simple and effective.
Was looking around today, found quite a few crosses, but no strait up oreoz.
Cuz i think oreoz is a photo strain so its a hybrid cuz it was crossed into an existing auto strain!
You actually make the cob, bag em or vacuum seal em and cookem at 104 for a little bit. Then let it sit for a while dark and cool, repeat the process a couple of times and thats it i think, there are some tutorials, a really good one here if you just search malawi cob. Seems really simple and effective.
Pretty sure true malawi cobs are buried to ferment!
Day 49, more or less:
day 49, dec 30.jpg

Solo front left, Fugue State, solo next behind it, Strawberry Nuggets, big girl center front 24 Carat, front right, OSMH, rest 24C crosses that I have put together chasing sleep meds (with one outlier - habanero pepper plant mid left). The SN solo was pollenated with SN pollen from last year, but it seems that the pollen was not viable. Sad that.

They all went through a couple rough patches, the first failure of my EC meter, the second a timer screwup during a one week absence on my part. Luckily, a couple neighbours stepped up and we managed to get things sorted. Were it not for their help, the grow would have been toast.

Happy growing peeps. :pighug:
I do think about that, I usually hit my soil at about about wk3-4 with nematodes as a preemptive strike. I intend to give living soil a try, but i am just learning about it. I do try to keep my soil as biologically active as possible for what i do, currently i dont have the space to cook soil and all that. As i learn more i will continue to implement new strategies. Ive been working with soil now for about 8-9 months and barely figuring it out.
All you need is an oven and large disposable aluminum pans from the grocery store. I don't do it all at once and the whole grows worth takes about a day to finish.
All you need is an oven and large disposable aluminum pans from the grocery store. I don't do it all at once and the whole grows worth takes about a day to finish.
I dont wven have an oven in my apartment, just a two burner stove.
I have the problem of too much weed. I grow way more than I use and still have plenty after hashmaking, gifting to my son, friends, and neighbors.

Maybe this malawi cob cure is a good experiment. I could use mids so I don't risk losing my best buds.

My stashes are near 58% rH. Is that moist enough for this process?
No, you need to use fresh.
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