Weird AF!Afternoon @WildBill @PinkyNotTheBrain @Lil Dab
You all sneaked in while I was is everyone........
Had an absolutely outstanding night's sleep time, for me. I was still slightly high.
And woke up with hard core munchies!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Holy hell! That lightning strike was close!
And I'm craving weird crap!
I start off making a Gevalia Coffee. Really robust dark Deep flavor. Gotta be the dark to wake my ass up!! Wow it's brewing I go to the kitchen to figure out what I'm going to do. What do I want to do and how much effort do I want to put into it?........... No coffee yet, so no real effort yet.
I see easy and grab it!
Not going to say what it was but I'll say what it wasn't. It sure wasn't breakfast food!
The one absolutely best thing about the last 24 hours, yeah I know the high was good, but the pain levels have been lowered quite substantially. I think I've learned something here.
You gotta remember that this oil for the last batch is 100% from the seed making girls. You know the ones where you let the flowers go very very amber to give the seeds the best chance to mature properly. That's well beyond Auntie Amber!
They were still very frosty buds and I thought quite a bit better since they were directing their energy to making the seeds.
This is only a 2 cycle oil, just several different sessions. There's almost no green to it at all, it's very dark brown. But what I find a little odd is how light colored it gets when it solidifies, this is coconut oil. I do think it is the lightest color, once solidified, that I've ever made. It's standing out quite dramatically and what I've done in the past.
And let me preface that a little bit. This is only the second batch of infused oil I've made directly from flower, unprocessed Flower only dried. the first was in MCT oil, so it's not going to solidify just storing it in the refrigerator. That first batch is not as dark as the newest one. It is a bit more translucent, but I filtered it additionally.
Since this was going to be in coconut oil, the cold pressed kind, I decided to only use the French press filtration only. With my method of infusion, the bud really doesn't get stirred and agitated for it to break up much at all. Really only just to get the oil distributed when first setting up the infused cycle.
I'm just kind of searching to see if some of that ultra fine material is of any sort of medicinal qualities.
Now the majority of way I make my infused all is just basically the recovering of what's left from a dry ice shake. So that means more cycles of infusion on the same oil. Naturally with fresh froze, you're going to get a bunch of green and it's going to get fairly strong tasty. But chlorophyll's not going to hurt you, ingested in this manner. But it does seem to be more of a strong canna taste. I don't mind it all, but some people might. I think it's not all because of the multiple cycles but, Maybe from the retention of more terpenes. You lose terpenes as you dry your flower. And then you lose more terpenes when you decarb. My fresh froze loses no terpenes during the shaking process and then they only lose for the time they're drying like 3 or 4 hours. Then they lose when they're in a decarb. Maybe more is retained with using fresh froze......................... Although it just hit me. The carboxylation is still occurring during the infusing process. That's why you see little bubbles coming to the top. That could be your terpenes going too!
Actually pretty damn good today Auntie!!!!!!
Thank you for asking!!
Thank you for asking!!