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Wow...that went South fast.......:peek:...I apologise for my flippancy....I responded to a post a few pages back before it kicked off.....:pass:

I think everyone is good. There was no bare knuckle boxing OR open mouth tongue kissing though.
Cosmic Apprentice - Day 56:jointman:

No ph pen used! I do bubble my water.
I’ll use a different bubbler since reading doc fluff’s post. Lol
I use a ph tester because i use 3part nutes, and a range of liquid supplements as my main way to feed. I start with FoxFarm HappyFrog and 2-3 wks in i start feeding. Havent gotten in to top dressing as i come from the world of hydro and im new to soil and using what i know. I really would like to learn to build a proper amended super soil where i only have to water and top dress a couple times, i just haven't got there yet lol!
I use a ph tester because i use 3part nutes, and a range of liquid supplements as my main way to feed. I start with FoxFarm HappyFrog and 2-3 wks in i start feeding. Havent gotten in to top dressing as i come from the world of hydro and im new to soil and using what i know. I really would like to learn to build a proper amended super soil where i only have to water and top dress a couple times, i just haven't got there yet lol!

I have a friend that is pretty tight with the Build a Soil guys, I can ask for an introduction and then we'll see if @SOOTDAWG (our new AFN Salesman of the Year 2025) can reach out to them and see if they'd be interested in coming on the forum to do a Q&A and offer up some products and discounts? They offer premixed and custom blended soils (shipped!)
Fluffy...:nono:...Fluffy...:nono:... Fluffy.....:nono:......your back one day and already you burst my bubble...........:bubbles:........

You know how tough this year has been...I scrabbled hard to get through it.....sigh....I was so disappointed on Christmas day... getting up not a card...not a present....sob...
But I consoled myself thinking....never mind all your pennies together...and maybe...just maybe you can treat yourself to one of these in the January sales..................

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The middle one....and tell me they don't work.....:doh:...... Dream Destroyer...............

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You can use that. Just pop the stones off and let the tubing push the water around. I've used one like on the left just stuck to the inside of my tank. Really just looking to break the surface tension on top of the water. I've used stones in the past and they can get gunked up and are a pain in the ass to clean :pass:
I found a cartoon about Taylor Swift :biggrin: :crying::crying::crying:..............................eeeeerrrrrrrr.................. This video popped up in my feed on the side while I was watching a car video.:biggrin:

I'm only like a minute and 41 seconds into it, but I thought someone here might like it!

Watched the stoner cats about a month ago, freaking funny.
Here's what I ended up with!

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Just a quick check at the installed height showed that there is less than 60 PPFD difference between the hottest spot in the center and the sides. I can definitely deal with that!
Kinda makes up for the BS I had to go through to get this set up!

I find it pretty funny that the height I had the light set to install all this stuff, is the exact height I needed to have the plants!
This is with the light at 100 percent and the deep red turned on. I have the UVA scheduled to run 3 hours mid-light cycle, 10:30 AM to 1:30PM

Both girls are right at 800 PPFD. And that's without raising the little girl! That just shows you how much the volunteer has grown!

Water is warming to mix up their Witches brew of the day. I think I'm gonna give Asian haze a regular dose of Blue Gold flower with a dose of CowCal And 1/4 teaspoon of Rootwise BioPhos. The volunteer pot will get the same but with Build a bloom and coconut water in addition.
I'm just gonna leave them at the temperature I have set currently. They are not going to be in that tent for too much longer, probably another ten days to two weeks That's when I start my all Autoseeds grow and these two pots will go into the little 2.3X2.3 tent. I'll be setting up the small tent in my walk in closet. I really don't think I can fit both lights into that small of a tent, but I will try. If I can only use one it will be the 200 Watt HLG. I will definitely put the Asian Haze tester in the position to get the best light. With the oldest girl very close to chop, I think the tester will finish out in time that I can concentrate the light on the biggest volunteer girl once the tester is chopped. I think there will be time to finish her out and have decent bud formation.

Asian Haze tester Is looking very pretty! I think I let her dry back a little bit too long from the last feeding, again, but no harm was done . I think she's stacking quite nicely. The only larf I have are a couple of places down at the very bottom. All we rest on her are firming up very nicely ! I have not trained or defoliated any on this girl.

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Crazy Asian Haze Volunteer pot is doing excellent! The youngest continues her rage!

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The oldest one is getting closer and her buds are definitely getting hard! She might get a scoping next week.

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That Asian Haze looks Delicious!! I really like that plant, youve done great with her, im gonna have to try that one, who breeds it? Im having a brain fart!
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