The old-old one? I mean, for its timeNosferatu was a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE movie, in case anyone was wondering.

They made a movie with John Malkovich about the making of that movie that was awesome though. I can't remember the title.
The old-old one? I mean, for its timeNosferatu was a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE movie, in case anyone was wondering.
I hope it's duct tapea copy of what....urself-?....duct tape-? theater popcorn-?.....fucking TELL US!!ppp
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Finally got it started!
Itz Lemon Z yall
So I haven’t done a thread in a while as i got extremely lazy with my growing and basically planted a seed and then let it fend for itself but decided to do it right with these lemon z ladies! Gonna be running them in 2 full sized earthboxes and got my free sample of megacrop to feed them!
I blame the parents!Hungry family of orphans sat next to us mid-show.
I like to sauté my mushrooms in butter and often with a wine or brandy or marinade before toping the pizza.To be honest i am not much for mushrooms on anything but as long as they are sliced thin so they actually cook in the pizza oven pepperoni and mushrooms is a bomb combo! Those places that try to be fancy with these thick ass mushroom slices that only partially cook and wind up slimy it’s totally disgusting!
You are replacing the electrolytes right!Evening Kittens
Got what I needed doing done today, still wore out from last night's sweat fest so been resting. The burger was good, been craving one for awhile. You all been talking up a storm today.
It works in autopots so should be same in an earthbox! And its safe for a reservoir! Deficiencies are too hard to address with just topdressing them!Mega Crop in Earth boxes?
Otay Banky!!