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Sad but true! There is literally shit sprayed EVERYWHERE downtown. So you not only have to watch out for needles in the gutters when you cross the street but are constantly dodging insane shits and God awful pisses. Downtown is run by the bums 100%.
This video is taken on Broadway between 5th and 6th which is still a fairly "nice" street. if they would have walked 1 block down to 6th you would see what I'm talking about. 6th and Hope all the way to San Pedro is not a good place to walk. Especially in the morning when they are washing away the previous days piss. Night time is easy cause you just gotta avoid the fent zombies.
Hope @Lil Dab is ready for his private tour through downtown with me and his chauffeur when he comes out west
:crying: :crying: :crying:

Report it @KingRatt .... :headbang: ... without guilt. If you have asked politely with no change.

Fastest done... fastest sorted.

Because sleep deprivation leads to negative actions.

Nip it in the bud......:pass:
Only problem is drug addicts are a protected class In california. Unless he lives in a gated community they really won't be able to do shit. :rofl: :rofl: :face:

Good old commie-fornia!
I don’t know after hearing this we may need to rethink our destination :nono:
Downtown is cool to see and drive through but thats it. Really not a tourist destination in my opinion unless you have false dreams of becoming a star. Lots of German tourists who book hotels in downtown. Not sure what or how the websites advertise them cause I would never stay downtown!
that'z a....lot....of fudge :yoinks: my mom used to make fudge every year at xmas time, and well, i luv chocolate & all, but i jus never could do fudge....too rich :nono: ppp
I am really picky about what fudge i will eat! Lots of times too rich or it comes out so hard it takes a huge ass knife to cut thru it but the way my mom makes it its nice n soft even when its cooled! No idea why its so different to me but I can’t handle a plain chocolate candy bar but i love me some fudge!
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