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What is Santa bringing everyone this year?

Or have you been bad like me?

BTW...what is traditional food for US Christmas you get turkey again....?

Think that depends on the family we usually have beef prime rib and/or a lasagna but my family always does that something to do with Italians :shrug:
Good afternoon @Mossy

:bighug:I won't squeeze u too hard just in case:biggrin:

Good morning everyone

Wise man....

I told hubby if he gets it I'm standing him in a black bag tied at the neck...and I'll pressure wash him off when it has passed...........:crying:
Afternoon @PinkyNotTheBrain :bighug: .... What kind of weekend do you have planned.....?..

Are you and your Aunt on your own...or are some sympathetic relatives treating you to Xmas dinner ....?...
Gotta shovel some snow in a little while. Got a 2 day survey today and tomorrow. Finally got my room cleaned and put together. Going to call and have them get the hospital bed out of the living room.
Not sure who's coming over for the holiday other than my aunt's gf. How about you? Any plans?
BTW...what is traditional food for US Christmas you get turkey again....?
Idk about whats traditional but we usually do a brisket and a lasagna, sometimes arancini , carrots, green beans, mashed potatoes sometimes sweet potatoes and a 3 layer jello
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