Outstanding movie! Damn it now I'm going to watch it again! I think I will with brunch
Been running windows 11 on one of my computers for awhile now and i don't get why everyone complains and freaks out about the change. Couple things moved around whats the big deal? Guess it's just the older folks who hate when literally anything changes..Yeah it's an absolute turd right now and it couldn't handle Windows 11 no way
AMD for the win!i'm on a 7 yr old HP laptop (AMD proc, 1TB hdd, 16GB ram) with the first edition of win 10 home that every once in a while, might do sumthin a lil wonky, but is still runnin strong otherwizeand i'm convinced that a big reazon why it is is becuz one o' the very first thingz i did when i got it was to totally disable windowz updatez
Chocolate covered truffles with some powdered sugar spread on top?