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Oh they are naked but not afraid.. Maybe its not as scripted as other shows, more like improv but definitely not what it appears. You can search and find all kinds of testimonies from former contestants saying that the production team is alot more involved than we are led to believe watching at home. Just checked right now and there is too many examples to single out and post here.

But start here:

The early seasons seemed to be more real. As time went on you can tell its not as “real” as it once was. Still a good show. Gold rush or really any gold mining show I watch too. That could be alot less scripted then others as well.
ok, well, um, :thanks: & all, but i myself don't see anything the least bit special about it at all :rofl: :shrug: it'z def not what i consider a pic-worthy sunset & gawd knowz i've posted waaaaay better onez....but hey, to each his own & glad u liked it all the same ;) ppp
The cemetary is hidden yet visible in the darkest shadows of the sunset depicting the grim place we believe cemeteries to be, the tree line is well placed in the frame to lead your eye into the picture from right to left stopping at the monument just below the the center of the sunset. The entire picture is framed well using the rule of thirds. And to quote a fellow observer it is darkly poetic.
No income tax in Texas. Totally different world then you or I live in :pass:
Still think if he's in his 40s, 300 mill wouldn't be too hard to spend in a lifetime. Especially if your first purchase is a mansion :crying:

Pretty sure he would be blowing money on Rangers/Cowboys season tix and prime seating too :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The early seasons seemed to be more real. As time went on you can tell its not as “real” as it once was. Still a good show. Gold rush or really any gold mining show I watch too. That could be alot less scripted then others as well.
I watch moonshiners. Don't really know why but it's entertaining to me. They should make a weed growing version :pass:
Just look for it on that site then you can binge watch. New season is pretty good. They just caught a liquor theif in the last episode :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Last one I saw they had the thief sign over his barn until he paid off the debt. Maybe I am caught up :pass:
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