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Boom! Exactly what we said!

Sell fear, offer solution..

And apparently you're crazy @JP1 it's just planes you didn't see any drones, okay?




Apparently the "FAA authorization act of 2018" is expiring in a few days and they are quickly pushing for a new one to be passed.. funny timing if you ask me..

Here's the new bill..
My only attempt at making pollen was a Double Grape I sprayed with colloidal silver. I didn't realize I needed to dilute it. I used it full strength and killed the plant dead as a door-nail. I've had enough seeds from testers and show grows, so I didn't try again.
That was my 1st reversal, a Double Grape with STS. Mad pollen, put it out on the back deck with a Golden Ticket and another Double Grape, Mad seeds. When ever someone asks for some seeds that's what I give them.
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

Bat Guano or any other organic input to your garden must be pasteurized by composting preferably off-site. I cannot even imagine collecting my own raw bat shit. I have collected horse shit and pasteurized it in a hot water bath for mushroom growing. somehow those two shits are miles apart in my danger scale.

Dinner was a Turkey Bacon, $M Velveeta Double Smash Turkey Turkey Burger on a GF Sourdough English Muffin w/Fries.

Breakfast was 1/2 cup Rolled Oats, 1/2 cup Hazel Nut Flour, 1 Tbsp. Xylitol, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. baking soda, pinch of salt, 1 egg, 1/2 cup Oat Milk dash of vanilla 2 Tbsp. Avocado Oil or any good oil ( I added a couple of Tablespoons of SD discard.) Blend in a powerful blender until smooth. These Waffles are awesome and do not raise your BS as much as more traditionally made waffles. Try it you'll like them.

I have an sts solution i plan on using that had decent reviews from cannabinology, if that doesnt work i will try the Twenty20 spray. Im learning. The Twenty20 sts is super cheap, etsy gives you a 30% off discount to use so believe me, i have def looked into that lol.its like 21$ at the end of the day. I do plan on using their instructions for reversal as they are the most complete that i have found.

Have you tried the Twenty20 STS spray? When I’ve thought about reversing that’s the route I was going to take :pass:
Works like an absolute champ! Basically follow the timing directions but spray more times. I sprayed until I saw swelling that would indicate male parts. I think I did Asian haze 5 times . Complete full reversal. Beautiful female pollen!
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

Bat Guano or any other organic input to your garden must be pasteurized by composting preferably off-site. I cannot even imagine collecting my own raw bat shit. I have collected horse shit and pasteurized it in a hot water bath for mushroom growing. somehow those two shits are miles apart in my danger scale.

Dinner was a Turkey Bacon, $M Velveeta Double Smash Turkey Turkey Burger on a GF Sourdough English Muffin w/Fries.
View attachment 1722081

Breakfast was 1/2 cup Rolled Oats, 1/2 cup Hazel Nut Flour, 1 Tbsp. Xylitol, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. baking soda, pinch of salt, 1 egg, 1/2 cup Oat Milk dash of vanilla 2 Tbsp. Avocado Oil or any good oil ( I added a couple of Tablespoons of SD discard.) Blend in a powerful blender until smooth. These Waffles are awesome and do not raise your BS as much as more traditionally made waffles. Try it you'll like them.

View attachment 1722082
Unless you know the owners of the horses, I would compost the hell out of that horse manure. There are quite a few owners of horses that give their horses all sorts of hormones, antibiotics....... etcetera.
Back when I had my Farm, I knew how the people raised their animals where I collected manure And I didn't worry much but I still composted it. And we're talking about full aerobic hot composting. That will also kill all the seeds that may have made it through the horses or any animals Gut.

Edit.............. Yeah, they are vastly different poops!
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