I love how this guy pranks body builders in gyms!
I never was a bodybuilder. I trained for strength and endurance. I don't think I was really all that big at 6 foot three inches and just under 300lbs. At least I don't think I looked that big, not for that size of frame.
But I did hear, quite a few times, the words "Retard Strong", when people would see me doing things a little bit out of the ordinary.
I freaked out everyone on the quarter deck of the Okinawa when I carried off the crank of a 9 cylinder York ac compressor. Normally, we would call the riggers to remove the crank from the ship and place it in a truck on the pier. I had all the journals wrapped up to protect them and ready for the riggers to pick up. But they had a new boss and was very disorganized. It was about 11:00 o'clock in the morning and they weren't going to be there till after lunch at one. That wasn't going to work for my schedule, so I just took matters into my own hands, literally!
So I had one of my kids go get some hefty rope from the boatswainmates And took some rags and made me a shoulder cushion in the middle of the rope Where I could have my shoulder carry a large percentage of the weight and use my arms to basically guide it. Now the ac room is
Many decks down from the Main. You don't get into engineering spaces by stairs, you get into engineering spaces by a ladder. The way out was two ladders and I forgot how many stairs. The ladders made it a bit awkward. It was not only heavy but fairly long.
It definitely was not an easy task, but I knew I could get it done. As I was leaving the quarter deck, I hollered to the OOD, officer of the deck, " I hope you understand why I will not be saluting you nor the Ensign." He just looked at me with a silly look on his face and nodded his head.

That's why when I'm doing things now around the house and have to struggle at times, I definitely miss those days of "Retard Strong".

When I got hurt in the military, several of the doctors commented that if I hadn't been so big and strong, I never would have survived . At the time it wasn't very much of a consolation with me tied to a fucking wheelchair.
I guess in my old age, I can appreciate it now!

I'm pretty sure I've told this story before here but I thought it was pretty appropriate for the video.
That dude is an absolute beast!