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About 5 years after buying my farm and starting the garden, a little bit earlier in the year than now, I would get an absolute huge influx of ladybugs in my attic of my old farmhouse to winter over! They would also congregate in my Hay barn. I always stacked my hay carefully and left gaps to help prevent he possibility of any fires starting from the bales not having proper ventilation. All those gaps were perfect places for them to overwinter.

A young kid that I had on one of my crews at Subase Pearl started raising beneficial insects after he got out of the Navy. An extremely hard working kid that was like a sponge and sucked up every bit of info and training that I gave him. I gave him and his wife a place to stay once he was able to bring her over and get a place of his own and he was always very grateful for that.

So it was quite the surprise to both of us when I called his business looking for some ladybugs! He would not let me pay him for his bugs! He'd always call up in springtime and ask how many bugs I wanted!:biggrin::eyebrows:

A God damn POS drunk driver killed him with his wife about 10 years ago.:grrr1:

I think about him every time I see a ladybug. He was such a good person and happy to have known him.
That story took an unexpected turn! That sucks man!
:crying: i'm fuckin dyin here! :crying: ppp

The grinch person had crazy face makeup! They had their face molded or something to have the crazy grinch nose and when i initially saw her before being painted green I thought she was a squirrel or something but realized later it was the grinch pre green paint job! And it was a female in that costume if u couldn’t tell by my she comment!

I hope the latch don't cost too much, first the gal looks like squirrel road kill, then she is the Grinch, you sure attract a type.
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