Well I guess now I have calmed down enough that I can actually tell this story without censorship!..........'cause all of the naughty words I was gonna say!
I went out late yesterday afternoon to go get some tools for my next project. So after coming out of Harbor Freight, I loaded everything up in my car. I then pull out of my parking spot and begin to exit the parking lot and then realize I need to stop and look something up comment so I find a spot adjacent to the road.
So while I'm trying to look this up, a cop pulls over a driver right next to me. I have a front row seat! I'm close enough that I can barely hear what he's saying to the driver. Now I can't finish what I'm doing! I'm listening to what this cop is saying and he's laying it on heavy! Just from what I can see and a bit of intuition, I think the driver, in the cops eyes, is guilty of DWB! For non-Americans, that is Driving While Black. It is a very infectious problem that the cops seem to have.
The cop immediately starts asking irrelevant questions and that's not tell the driver who he was and why he was pulled over. That just sent red flags flying with me! Some of the questions made me outright laugh......... Several times! The cop did not fail to notice my laughter.

It's then the cop asked the passenger for their ID, that's when I had to actually intervene And utilize my First Amendment Right of Free Speech.
" Passenger! Texas statute 38.06 You only are required to ID when being legally arrested!"
Officer, " Stop interfering in my stop!"
"Do your job officer and uphold the Constitution!" " Oh by the way! Interference of an officer in Texas is a physical act!"
" Don't talk to the people in my stop!"

"Do your job officer and uphold the Constitution!" " Oh by the way! I'm utilizing my First Amendment Right!" " Remember that's one of the parts of the Constitution......... That thing you swore to uphold and protect!"
" Don't tell me how to do my job and stop interfering!" ....................... I'm not making this stuff up ! 
It does get better .......sorta.
With hearing the passenger asking for a supervisor and the comment from the moron , I roll my windows up and lock the car and get out and prop up against my driver's door. Essentially a foot closer to where I was.
Officer Einstein didn't like that at all! He just kept telling me to get back in my car and stop interfering. With me knowing that his supervisor will be here fairly soon I just kept quiet. I think it pissed him off more!
So Officer Einstein leaves his stop to come over to me. Which is not really a big distance but still , his attention was to me .
I keep telling him to leave me alone and do his job. So he comes up to me within a couple of feet, that's when his backup arrives, but not his supervisor. The passenger, a young black girl, blurred it out in a very thick East Texas accent, "You better leave that old man alone!"

The facial expressions that Officer Einstein exhibited with her saying that and then me laughing out loud with her comment, even added more to my laughter!

I just couldn't help myself!
The officers backup told the lady to shut up. I think I inspired the young lady, because she quickly came back with. " I don't know who the F you think you're talking to! You got me effed up!" 

She is not helping me maintain my composure at the moment! My laughter is just making Officer Einstein more angry!
Then Officer Einstein turns into a fisherman! " What the hell does that hat mean?"
" I need to see your ID."
In a calm voice , " I think for your protection officer, you might wanna wait until your supervisor gets here, before you proceed any further." " Everything I'm doing is firmly established in case law and is common knowledge, so you will lose your qualified immunity."
" Ohh yeah! By any chance do you have the phone number to local Texas game warden?"
" And just why would you need the local Texas game warden's phone number?"
" Well with all the fishing you were doing with the people in your stop and now with me asking me these stupid questions, I figure he needs to check to see if you got a fishing license!"
It took everything I had to keep a straight face! I don't really think he was much expecting that comment!
I can't remove my formatting now in this post.
And just when it was going to get pretty interesting, a supervisor drove up and he was a lieutenant. He drove up from the parking lot side and parked next to my car. So as soon as he gets out of his car I ask him to identify himself and he professionally does so. So this encouraged me and I asked him to get his boy off me. I told the lieutenant that he has tried to squash my constitutional rights and to violate them.
Officer Einstein tries to interrupt me explaining to the lieutenant , but the lieutenant holds up a hand and Officer Einstein shuts up! I explained to the lieutenant exactly what I was doing and how it occurred.
As soon as I finished explaining myself the girl in the car pipes up, "He be tripping fo' reals! And his backup told me to shut up! Who does he think he is?"

I think her comment amused him because I saw a little smirk ! I looked at the way the lieutenant was dressed and his hair cut . I asked him if he had been a marine at one time . He came back with the once a marine always a marine thing . I told him I thought so and I grunted at him and he grunted back. 
I told the grunt lieutenant then I should file a complaint against him but if he tells me he will give him some appropriate EMI, I would forgo the complaint . With the lieutenants nodding of his head and saying yes, Officer Einstein got a very confused look on his face. With a smiling face I looked at officer Einstein and said, "I guess you'll get to find out what EMI means firsthand!"
So I turn to Lieutenant and shook his hand , "Have a great day Lt and stay safe! Officer F*uckstick, Honor your oath to the Constitution and learn from LT!" and got in my car and drove off!
As I was driving off I could see that the lieutenant let the people go without an issuing of any tickets of any sort.
Ohh yeah, I recorded the whole incident, starting when I heard officer Einstein first starting asking the people really stupid questions.

I doubt very seriously if I'm going to upload it to Youtube or send it to a Youtuber. It would definitely go viral! I grow cannabis in shadow land, so I just don't need the additional attention.
And Yeah, I was definitely lit, but not holding anything, so I wasn't worried about that.
I am pretty glad though that I was as lit as I was. I definitely don't think I would have been as patient with Officer Einstein if I had been completely sober. Really, what pissed me off the most was when he started fishing and pointed out my hat. Yeah, he had already tried to violate my 1st, 4th and 5th Rights, But trying to use what I had on my hat as an ave to find something else to tie me up with, just made it personal, more so.
Other than poor training, this officer had an ego problem. It was the typical one of a person of small stature!

It's called Little Big Man Syndrome! Or LBMS fer short.
Officers like that are dangerous in many aspects! Most notably, they are more likely to use deadly force, since they know they can't handle anything physically. I kept an extremely sharp eye out and watched where his hands were.
If this guy doesn't get some intensive training, he's either going to get himself killed a civilian or another officer.
That LBMS or his plain stupidity has made him show extremely poor situational awareness. From him letting someone taking video to distract him from his stop and for him to make the extremely stupid maneuver of trying to intimidate me by getting close, I definitely wouldn't depend on him in a pinch situation! I could have Very easily taken him out in a split second.
There really is no reason for such conduct. The Lieutenant did make the Officers finally ID themselves and I asked him for the incident report on the officers stop. I will follow up with the lieutenant to see what training has been issued to this officer and his backup and further discuss his poor situational awareness.
This definitely "harshed my chill", so I ground up some Rucu Cucu as soon as I got home and put it in my vape!
' I did get my tools that I needed and I also stopped by one of my favorite barbecue places and got a half rack of ribs and one of their loaded potatoes! That put me in a nice happy place!

Hopefully that will be the last time, if not for a long time, that I will have to tell one of Wild Bills cop encounters!
You know, growing cannabis is a much more fun than a police encounter!