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Ya i couldn't believe how hard an incline can be, I gotta sit n gather up energy for a walk or a trip up. Sometimes I get aggravated and just say fuck it im goin up the stairs on all fours
You have to do that too? It's not my breathing, I can sit and in a matter of 10 secs or so get my breathing regulated. It's the energy to actually get up and do anything. And I only got short bursts, like I know I'm gonna be knackered when I get that roasting pan down. Take it off top of fridge, turn around walk 3 feet to the table set it down.....go sit down and rest.
You have to do that too? It's not my breathing, I can sit and in a matter of 10 secs or so get my breathing regulated. It's the energy to actually get up and do anything. And I only got short bursts, like I know I'm gonna be knackered when I get that roasting pan down. Take it off top of fridge, turn around walk 3 feet to the table set it down.....go sit down and rest.
It's kinda like the muscles are plain overworked or something but I don't know it's hard to explain i feel like I should be out of breath but im not, I'm not tired but my body is
You have to do that too? It's not my breathing, I can sit and in a matter of 10 secs or so get my breathing regulated. It's the energy to actually get up and do anything. And I only got short bursts, like I know I'm gonna be knackered when I get that roasting pan down. Take it off top of fridge, turn around walk 3 feet to the table set it down.....go sit down and rest.
Just more of the crap you have to accept and get used to when you get old!:face::haha:

It's especially difficult for a Type A personality! When I got hurt, it was that Stubborn Type A personality that got me through and pushed me through a year and a half to get back to full duty!

It's that same Stubborn Type A personality that makes it more difficult to accept the current limitations rhat my body has declined into. It sure is hell can humble that damned Stubborn Type A personality!!!!!:face::face::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Gonna be a great fucking day it seems. :face: Zen mode activated. :wizzy:Water off a ducks back.
She came out to let the pups out, I let her know she had a pie done ready for her to start in on. happy, happy, joy, joy.
Comes back out to inform me there's no cool whip....all I say is sorry....but my thoughts, ooo my thoughts.
1 she got today's fixins when her daughter took her to the store, not me because she knew I'd put restrictions on it, like a 5/6/7 pond turkey breast instead of a whole bird cause it's less work on me and just the two of us.
2 she bought the pies, within 5 feet of those pies in the same cooler case whip.
3 I don't like pumpkin pie at all, I also don't like cool whip, at all.
4 Of what use is it roll your fat ass out here to inform me there's no cool whip when I had nothing to do with the process at all wouldn't benefit from it if there was cool whip, and most importantly have a full supply of I DON'T GIVE A FUCKS AT THE READY. Then slamming the door when all I have to offer is sorry.
It's kinda like the muscles are plain overworked or something but I don't know it's hard to explain i feel like I should be out of breath but im not, I'm not tired but my body is
Well I know mine is partly due to the big weight loss which is why I'm trying to eat about twice my normal. 180's down 140 in two months and I didn't notice until the bug really kicked in and made start feeling sick. Hoping to at least get back to feeling as good as I did 4/5 months ago.
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