Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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The question is….in what area do you feel your grow is currently lacking? What are you hoping to accomplish with the addition of additional co2?
Or, put another way, does yer bud do ya, or not? If it does, why take on the CO2 project? I have asked myself that. Hence no interest in CO2 here, my bud is plentiful and potent without the hassle. :pighug::biggrin:
The question is….in what area do you feel your grow is currently lacking? What are you hoping to accomplish with the addition of additional co2?
I just don't necessarily feel there is a lacking area, in as much as I don't know what the CO2 levels are in that grow room. The levels could have been running marginally. :joy: With the other Less efficient single pipe portable ac I had in the grow room, there was always exchange of air in the grow room with that single vent setup. It's different now with the window AC. You get my drift?
Once I get it running and see what the results are, I can always crank it up. If I can Have increased production and keep the same quality, I'll be happy.
Or, put another way, does yer bud do ya, or not? If it does, why take on the CO2 project? I have asked myself that. Hence no interest in CO2 here, my bud is plentiful and potent without the hassle. :pighug::biggrin:
Refinement of technique!:headbang::headbang::headbang:

My Bud has always done me from the very first grow! It's been ever-changing and improving Method!
When I was in middle school I was checking out some high school girls walking on the otherside of the street, walked right into a stop sign and fell on my ass completely dazed. Wouldnt ya know it, there is a city bus on the corner and the driver and people in the front seats were rolling with laughter.
I did the same thing at my old uni. I was watching some construction workers on the other side of the street and walked into a bus stop sign. My head hit it so hard that the workers across the street looked up to see what the noise was. I stayed on my feet, but not by much. :crying: :pighug:
I have about 2 ounces of 8 month old Sour Crack (1/4 pound bag is stuffed so its a little dry lol). Just ordered a silicon sleeve for my Ardent and when it gets here I’m gonna use it all for my first experiment which leads me to ask is MTC oil common in a grocery store or should I just order some online now? If online can anyone tell me what they pay so I don’t overpay?

Edit….I have Coconut Oil but thinking MTC oil might be a little healthier for my mother in law
The are both good health wise, contrary to some opinion, but MCT stays liquid at room temperature, so is better for tincture if you want to dose with a dropper. Coconut oil would be fine for any cooking which you want to add a kick to, and is rumoured to make firmer gummies if that is a potential use. IMO, don't worry about health differences, if there are any, which I doubt, they are small. :goodluck: :pighug:
80 here yesterday. 55 and raining today. Think this is the 9th straight weekend with rain here :bong:
average morning temperature here for the last week is about -9C. Not much snow yet, which is ok other than the garlic patch. When the -11C happened two days after I planted the cloves, I said screw this, went to the building supply and bought two sheets of 1.5" thick styrofoam. The weather gods can do what they wish now. My garlic lives under styrofoam. leaves, and a tarp. I'll have to dig it out to remove the "mulch" in the spring, but a similar setup last year kept my patch happy while several friends had their patch wiped out by early cold with no snow. :pighug::biggrin:
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