Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Blue Microverse F5 X Ripley's OG
Day 63



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The Storm front I'm Getting in here in a few minutes stayed over the Metroplex all day yesterday when it stalled out it's eastward progress yet the individual storms were going northeast. The front set on top of them all day!
it's gonna blow through here a lot quicker than that. Hopefully it's just rain!
I got buckets ready!!!!!!!!!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::haha:
Buckets….i coulda filled an above ground pool yesterday! We got flash flood warnings and i see why as my street never collects water but we had giant rivers rushing down the sides of damn near every street! We needed it badly tho so no complaints here…..except the fact people must be stupid as they seem to think gratuity in the rain doesn’t need to be increased vs dry weather deliveries! Needless to say i stayed home yesterday! :rofl:
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It was the recommended amount on the box and think that's the amount I infused into. So, yeah, too damn strong for my light weight ass.
Ya u def gotta be careful! My last infusion i used 10g of larf and stem and leaf trash and infused a full mason jar worth! Using tcheck the stuff was 584mg per tablespoon and brownies take 1/2 cup! Thats 4 tbsp or 2,336mg of oil that went into an 8-10 serving pan of brownies! :eyebrows::woohoo1::rofl:
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