Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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I’m gonna start a gofundme! ;) :crying:
@Mossy just incase you missed these pics! Oh and thanks for the Halloween reps!

Looks like a great day @Hotfire delight..tractors and still a battlefield...or have you got through it.....?
Something for all you organic nuts!:headbang::headbang::headbang:

Jeremy of BuildASoil is offering a new product for growing cannabis. It looks great and I'm quite sure it will work extremely well, but I'm going to let him run it in the next series before I buy it.

Looks like a great day @Hotfire delight..tractors and still a battlefield...or have you got through it.....?
I took my boy to a pumpkin festival at this working organic farm with tractors and a petting zoo.
He was about seven years old and was an old hand at animals, tractors and organic gardening. Most of the children there were 'city kids, knew absolutely nothing and were afraid of the animals.
It was pretty funny watching him getting right in there and showing the kids how to pet the animals.
He even told the owner of the farm that his compost piles were 'little bitty' ! :crying: :crying: :crying: The owner thought it was amusing and my boy continued on and instructed the owner on how to build compost piles with a tractor!
Looks like a great day @Hotfire delight..tractors and still a battlefield...or have you got through it.....?
Yeah we are working through it. Alot of it is me just being the bigger person cause the wife is a bit of a sociopath/narcissist (therapists words not mine) ..
She is doing some therapy on her own and seems to be coming around slowly but surely. I'll be starting some too here in a few days cause I'm just as fucked in the head and want to learn how to make myself a better person for my son. And if it makes her feel better that she's not the only one going through it, then that's what I got to do.
If we didn't have a kid I would have just left without even thinking about it but I have to love her unconditionally cause if I don't ill just put my kid through exactly what my dad and mom put me through and on goes the cycle.
I think as 24 hour caregivers to our child, being with each other every minute and living with her parents, life is always gonna be a battlefield. I don't even like being around my own parents everyday, it's not a normal situation IMO but it's how our cards were dealt so I'm making it work.
And like I said yesterday, if It doesnt work out in the end then i know ill come out of this a better man and that God has a bigger plan for me. If i don't give it everything I got to fix this then what difference am I than my dad or any other parent that can't put their own emotions aside? How do I teach my son how to be a man by walking out? Holding a grudge is too easy for me, I'm a pro at it. So I can't fall into that trap now that I have a responsibility.

Thanks for letting me vent guys, it helps, for real. Im outnumbered here at home and dont really have friends i want to know about all my dirty laundry. I know you guys wont judge me.
Sorry to damper the high to anyone who made it this far into my response :rofl:
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