Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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You Could Share it with us @Jean-O ....... #stoners Love to know what is going on.........Gossip Mongers...cough..cough.......

Me and my Alternate Meds friend have been Watching this happening for years with non canna herbal meds.....

You Look now and you See a Lot of the herb sellers have a disclaimer saying they have no proven medical benefit.

Big Pharma is saying no herbs can be claimed to have med effect unless they have been through the same high standards of testing the pharma meds have to....

So..even Traditional meds that have had proven beneffits for millenia will Not qualify as a health benefit unless it has been tested to their standards... ordinary person or group can afford that level of it brings it back under their control.......

I've got No Doubt...they will try the same with cannabis...... :pass:
I try n not rant too much but the way they are talking about re righting the hemp farm bill and changing the definition of hemp and classifications is BS. Talking about if it can turn into THC if grown out changes the entire game now each seed you own can be considered a plant potentially which think if you own several hundred or even thousands of seeds of a schedule 2 narcotic your getting hemmed up real hard for having the potential to commit a crime. That's like saying you own draino now ur guilty of cooking crank... big pharma just invested 70 billion dollars into cannabis at a time when they say there is no medical value to it? If it smells like fish n taste like fish it must be a fish is all I'm saying. Does big pharma allow any other meds to be grown at home???
They have no idea how the whole act of growing from start to finish to however you ingest your medicine is medicinal the act of having a successful grow can do wonders to stress and anxiety getting your hands dirty can wash away a stressful day. Big Pharma doesn't understand hippy shit nor do they want to. Growing heals the mind body n soul not just getting high.. who knows how this will turn out hopefully for the best and I'm just being paranoid because of my lack of faith in the government.
I try n not rant too much but the way they are talking about re righting the hemp farm bill and changing the definition of hemp and classifications is BS. Talking about if it can turn into THC if grown out changes the entire game now each seed you own can be considered a plant potentially which think if you own several hundred or even thousands of seeds of a schedule 2 narcotic your getting hemmed up real hard for having the potential to commit a crime. That's like saying you own draino now ur guilty of cooking crank... big pharma just invested 70 billion dollars into cannabis at a time when they say there is no medical value to it? If it smells like fish n taste like fish it must be a fish is all I'm saying. Does big pharma allow any other meds to be grown at home???
They have no idea how the whole act of growing from start to finish to however you ingest your medicine is medicinal the act of having a successful grow can do wonders to stress and anxiety getting your hands dirty can wash away a stressful day. Big Pharma doesn't understand hippy shit nor do they want to. Growing heals the mind body n soul not just getting high.. who knows how this will turn out hopefully for the best and I'm just being paranoid because of my lack of faith in the government.
I smoke waaaay too much to remember the name of show where i saw it but i know i saw in a documentary that Altria the company that owns marlboro has filed hundreds of patents on cannabis vape devices to where when it is legalized federally and the patents can be issued they will basically own the market for canna vape devices!
I try n not rant too much but the way they are talking about re righting the hemp farm bill and changing the definition of hemp and classifications is BS. Talking about if it can turn into THC if grown out changes the entire game now each seed you own can be considered a plant potentially which think if you own several hundred or even thousands of seeds of a schedule 2 narcotic your getting hemmed up real hard for having the potential to commit a crime. That's like saying you own draino now ur guilty of cooking crank... big pharma just invested 70 billion dollars into cannabis at a time when they say there is no medical value to it? If it smells like fish n taste like fish it must be a fish is all I'm saying. Does big pharma allow any other meds to be grown at home???
They have no idea how the whole act of growing from start to finish to however you ingest your medicine is medicinal the act of having a successful grow can do wonders to stress and anxiety getting your hands dirty can wash away a stressful day. Big Pharma doesn't understand hippy shit nor do they want to. Growing heals the mind body n soul not just getting high.. who knows how this will turn out hopefully for the best and I'm just being paranoid because of my lack of faith in the government.
Sounds like we need to start voting for candidates based on intelligence and what they plan to do for us and not based off personality! ;) :d5:

My state is awful we still don’t even have a medical program so we are ages behind! :(
Well then, Grandpa would NOT have got elected! :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
Hey he’s smart he’s just an antique! I got mad respect for my elders but once u hit 70 u are no longer in touch with the needs of the younger generation and it’s time to move on and get outta office! On that same note if u been rich from day u were born u are also out of touch with what normal people go thru and need help with! We need some young blood up in office! It seems tho it is congress where we need the young people to take over! Any ding dong can be president as long as not some extremist leaning either way! Not much president can do on their own without house and senate agreeing on it first!

No more ranting time to smoke some swordfish!


Back to plan A maybe i need to run for office! Guess i should officially start accepting “donations” so i can kick this campaign off! ;) :rofl:
Yeah we are working through it. Alot of it is me just being the bigger person cause the wife is a bit of a sociopath/narcissist (therapists words not mine) ..
She is doing some therapy on her own and seems to be coming around slowly but surely. I'll be starting some too here in a few days cause I'm just as fucked in the head and want to learn how to make myself a better person for my son. And if it makes her feel better that she's not the only one going through it, then that's what I got to do.
If we didn't have a kid I would have just left without even thinking about it but I have to love her unconditionally cause if I don't ill just put my kid through exactly what my dad and mom put me through and on goes the cycle.
I think as 24 hour caregivers to our child, being with each other every minute and living with her parents, life is always gonna be a battlefield. I don't even like being around my own parents everyday, it's not a normal situation IMO but it's how our cards were dealt so I'm making it work.
And like I said yesterday, if It doesnt work out in the end then i know ill come out of this a better man and that God has a bigger plan for me. If i don't give it everything I got to fix this then what difference am I than my dad or any other parent that can't put their own emotions aside? How do I teach my son how to be a man by walking out? Holding a grudge is too easy for me, I'm a pro at it. So I can't fall into that trap now that I have a responsibility.

Thanks for letting me vent guys, it helps, for real. Im outnumbered here at home and dont really have friends i want to know about all my dirty laundry. I know you guys wont judge me.
Sorry to damper the high to anyone who made it this far into my response :rofl:
No worries Man. Thats one of the other benefits of this group.
Up until about an hour ago, the only cannabis I had had today was leftover canna coffee from last night.
I just finished up giving Knows Candy a bit of a trim to open her up a little bit better and define things. She looks much better now.
I'm looking over at Strawberry Biscotti after I finished with Knows Candy. The Knows Candy I had just vaped was well in effect! I'm thinking to myself, why is she so wilted? I even pick her up and she's still heavy. Then my stoned ass realized what time it was. It was about 30 minutes before lights off!

I still find it pretty odd that Knows Candy, VidaMints and now Chic-lit, just don't show any signs of getting ready to go to sleep!

Is this an autos thing? Do photos do this too? Does this mean that the 'un-wilters' need or can use a higher DLI?
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