Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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I can confirm this as I worked in a cheese factory in the long ago... Chunk is curd, liquid is whey. They spread it on fields in prep for the grow season. It actually has a sweet flavor, buttery texture for a liquid.

The cultured food folks call the whey from kefir “liquid gold”. Up to 75 or so different beneficial microorganisms and yeasts. I’ve kept my kefir grains going for over a year and a half now. Kind of like keeping a sourdough starter going. I drink a coffee cup full, mixed with a couple spoons of whole milk plain yogurt every other day.
It has really straightened out my digestion.
Anyone interested this lady is very knowledgeable. Culturedfoodlife dot com.
Completely forgot about this bag weeks ago since it wasn't doing anything. Just found it sitting on top of the dehumidifier in the basement and it's got a little Christmas miracle in it all of a sudden
The cultured food folks call the whey from kefir “liquid gold”. Up to 75 or so different beneficial microorganisms and yeasts. I’ve kept my kefir grains going for over a year and a half now. Kind of like keeping a sourdough starter going. I drink a coffee cup full, mixed with a couple spoons of whole milk plain yogurt every other day.
It has really straightened out my digestion.
Anyone interested this lady is very knowledgeable. Culturedfoodlife dot com.
I‘m sorry Rick, I jumped the gun without adding points, sorry man. I was too quick on the draw! :shooty: :crying:
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