Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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I would give doobies of the blueberry to the workers at the grow shop. They talked me into the contest and many local dispensaries and growers competed. I never thought it would do so well.
Thanks for the reps @Lil Dab and @WildBill :thumbsup: The small growers like us are serious :smokeit:
Hey @Jean-O
Doesn't The Legend get pretty big?
I'm trying to nail down the next gross candidates which will be all photos.
I would do Chem Skunk, but she's a regular and I already have a seed making project with Asian Haze. I have one seed left, so hopefully it sprouts. So I'll take a couple of clones and reverse one.

I need my grow room in my shop! :oops1: I could do more stuff!:eyebrows:
Great strain for sure. This is the stuff I won a terp contest with :thumbsup:
Best kind of stuff you wanna make temple balls out of!!!!!!
That Asian Haze Temple Ball was almost a religious experience with the flavors!
I might have 1 or 2 plants that fit that description. I'll dig through my pics n send a few that are decent size.
Pm them please bro and thanks
How big you want? I just finished 2, but not monsters.
I just mean really eye catching plants and i will try post everything eventually
Best kind of stuff you wanna make temple balls out of!!!!!!
That Asian Haze Temple Ball was almost a religious experience with the flavors!
I watched this last night. Entertaining speaker for sure. Enlightened me on hash
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