Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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I’m in the camp of it being unnecessary..
Tilted or not, rosin will squeeze out in every direction, and will remain in a ring around the puck, so parchments will still have to be cleared, presumably manually the same way as ever. As mentioned by others, rosin will flow uphill under hydraulic pressure and out the top if the parchment is not folded. The one advantage I can think might apply to the tilt is that with folded parchment on back and sides, you could put more material in there than you would otherwise because the excess rosin would just drool out the bottom. But I am not sure how well larger quantities would work, the greater thickness of the pucks might affect results negatively. Dunno.

As to using that press with a manual 25ton pump, good luck with that. My 12 ton is enough pumping for me. The amount of manual pumping to move those plates about six inches would send most people back to the pump store.

My diy press that cost around $200 does the job for me. :pighug:
Think about this, though. It’s not really about the correct psi, is it? If a chart says that you need X psi for a given amount of material, and you just crank it right up to that psi, you’re going to have a shitty return. You gotta slowly increase pressure, knowing when to wait to let it start flowing, and when to increase pressure to get it to flow more. Go to fast, get a blow out. You can use the gauge towards the end of the press, but after a time or two, you’ll know how much pressure to add based on the feel of the handle. It’s not worth the increased cost. The variable is the presser. It’s a bit of an art, like cooking.
Also, the raw psi number can be misleading, it is the psi experienced by the material that counts, which depends not on the amount of material, but rather on the square inches of area occupied by the actual puck(s), whatever shape and thickness they are. As long as the puck area used is consistent, the guage number will allow a person to develop a consistent pressing sequence, but I find that the manual pump gives a nice sequential feel that allows even a duffer like me to make it work. A power pump would mostly just make the process a bit quicker because manual pumping moves those platens slowly, and the bigger the pump in tons, the slower they move. But if the power pump control could be programmed to apply a sequence of timed increases in pressure, that would be nifty.

OTOH, anyone who figures that just using exactly the same sequence all the time is going to be ideal has not done much pressing. Different strains, different behaviour, sometimes really different. A bit of an art indeed. :pighug:
Sorry Amigro, it's just the way I see it. It's like saying that pound for pound, a greasy hamburger will cook the same as a Filet Mignon at the same temp, and the same weight on top. It doesn't make sense.

But I respect your opinion as being what it is.

Sounds like u are overthinking it but i just woke up so my brain is still halfway into its warmup cycle! :shrug::rofl:
I’m not a fan of the constancy of pineapple I like the taste but that’s about it. So it’s no argument for me if there’s ham and pineapple on a pizza it’s all yours :toke:

Pineapple is laaaaaaaaaame! I hate the consistency too! Flavor I don’t mind but the texture is a no go! :d5:
Sounds like u are overthinking it but i just woke up so my brain is still halfway into its warmup cycle! :shrug::rofl:
My nug smasher mini does the job. No gauge, and it's portable so I can press in my room or in the garage or even my kitchen. Sure, I can't press a half ounce at a time but I can press 7-10 grams at a time no problem. I wanted something that wasn't bulky and didn't take up alot of room so it's perfect for me. Bigger plates in the future would be cool but the gauge is not really something worth paying extra for.
My nug smasher mini does the job. No gauge, and it's portable so I can press in my room or in the garage or even my kitchen. Sure, I can't press a half ounce at a time but I can press 7-10 grams at a time no problem. I wanted something that wasn't bulky and didn't take up alot of room so it's perfect for me. Bigger plates in the future would be cool but the gauge is not really something worth paying extra for.
12 ton dabpress with 4x7 plates and $700 all in I don’t see u paying extra for the gauge in that setup! Now no idea the size increase u get on plates going from NS mini to the XP where u get a gauge but its $1000 press!
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