Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Have you grown seed stocker RUCU CUCU? She is not as free with her terpenes as Ogreberry was without stimulation, but give her a tickle and she will fill your nose full of her very very sweet and fruity smell.
I love her structure and I absolutely love her bud structure too! She will be a pleasure to trim up for flower.
Currently, she is at early part of Late Flower. I have been slowly backing off the VPD by lowering the temps to help maintain these awesome terpenes.
I wish I had room for a mom so I could have taken some clones of this girl in case this was a standout profile.
I haven’t grown her, but I’ve heard good things.
I really didn't care much for Jimmy Carter as president, but I did admire him for his work with Habitat for Humanity.

I was pretty sad to see him in the condition he is now, attending his wife's funeral. The way he looked, I don't think he's gonna last much longer. It's pretty sad to see someone go that way.

He'd still probably gives Sleepy Joe a run for the money though............................I kid I kid!
Day 36 coco tent filling up starting to see some issue on the lowers. Thinking phosphorus but also thinking it could be nitrogen but not exactly sure feeding MC 2 part 8N formula 650-700ppm. Guess it probably could be too much N or even a PH issue since I think I even see some Mg deficiency. PH has been good it does creep up everyday to around 6.2 but haven't seen it much higher then that when it's been fed.


Where's My Dog Solo


Where's My Dog 3 gallon


Root Beer Float f4 3 gallon


Root Beer Float f4 Solo

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