Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Hello word.

Ive heard that I’m a cop. If I’m trying to save the planet and all the humans, less healthy ones or handicapped (my father sat in a wheelcheer) so called (Legicapped).

I know that as a team we can change the future and the past, depending on how you see it.
We need more weed smoking cops if u ask me! ;) :eyebrows::pass::rofl:

Fuck we hired a new guy at work. I get to train him. Fuckers cool then me damn it. Hooks it up with his carts to medicate at work. Cant complain about that.
Those things make it extra convenient to stay in a perpetual state of highness all day even when on the go or at work! He had customers so i took the swordfish into 7-11 couple nights ago and dude hit it behind the counter! :crying::lildab:
Fermented Fruits, what doe’s it smell like?

Skunk and gasoline surprisingly! Think the diamonds had some terps added tho but if so not much cuz not overpowering! Just slight smell and can taste it on the first couple hits of a fresh load!
Talk about a win win! Wore these lucky jeans til the knees started falling apart so put em in back of closet! Saved em long enough this is now the style and cost like $150 to order em looking like this off the rack! :shrug::eyebrows::headbang:

These were $150 but 10yrs ago! I thought i was fly! :rofl:

Pay no attention to Little Debbie in the corner there! :crying:
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