Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Good morfnoevight All you happy Humpday Live Stoners.


View attachment 1646034

Hark.....the dulcet tones....of the rotovator........... :biggrin:
No wonder he is deaf, a new muffler might help.

You know....I'm Thinking.........View attachment 1646077

View attachment 1646082

All that ash....add a couple of bags of worm castings..................and it looks like a Pea bed to me........

or am I gonna waste my time feeding all the local bunnies.........?.............. :pass: ..
That depends on whether you like to eat rabbit or not. I like mine fried. There might mysteriously be some alfalfa pellets in the pea bed.

Every 24 hours for the last few days.......... :pass: ......they were letting peole back to grab some belongings...but it started belching they had to get them out again.....

Mother Nature.........she's got ways of showing how powerless/insignificant we are sometimes.........:pass:

:headbang: CannaAid ............I Volunteer @Mañ'O'Green ....he is the only Arsonis..s..s...Pyrotechnic we have on site.....Qualified.........:pass:
Well I think VOLCANO is above my skill set or the fire rating on my Nomex. :rofl:

@PinkyNotTheBrain :bday::frog:

We ended up having Pizza for dinner last night. It was very good, the GF crust was excellent @Mossy as well as the bottled pizza sauce.

How come you add the additional step of shaking it? Flower rosin is pretty damn clean…

My issue with dry ice hash is in the size micron of the bags. Trichomes are different sizes. If you’ve ever made bubble hash, you can see the difference sizes of heads in each bag….big to small. Dry ice… just pick one bag and hope for the best. Unless you’re using the largest micron bag, you may be losing heads…..but if you’re doing that…you’re also getting plant matter through….that will be super fine…. And may be an issue when pressing anyhow.

Why not just press the flower in filter bags, and pick out any pieces that make it through. That way you eliminate the guesswork of hoping you pick the correct bag.

I saw a guy making dry ice hash….shaking away…. I asked which bag he was using….he replied “25 micron!!! Only the good shit!!”.

I didn’t say anything to him because he’s already a know it all….but he was likely throwing away the majority of his heads….

Just an opinion… :pass:
This was loose hash from a dry ice shake .

Live Rosin is made with fresh frozen flower is made with fresh frozen flower.

My preference for quality would be ice water hash plain and simple. And there are two reasons why I don't do that. One, I don't have a dehydrator and two it's messy! I could deal with the messiness from the washing and recovering. I'm not gonna deal with microplaning a bunch of Frozen hash on top of some cardboard and stuff like that.
Yeah, bubble bowls are a bit inefficient. I don't have problems with vegetative material entering my hash.
There's several things you can do that are preventative measures that let you shake longer with less chance of broken up vegetative material entering your hash.
Chop, buck the buds, bag up and freeze ASAP,
Have a separate ice box as a pre-chill to let your material temperature to set in for a good period of time. I let them sit long enough so I can bust the buds up by squeezing them and pressing on them. Naturally this opens up vastly much more surface area for the trichomes to be bounced off and fall through the mesh........ Without beating up the material so much, therefore NOT breaking up the vegetative material near as much.

I shake for a set period of time on the very first shaking with all bowls included.
The Work bowl is lifted off and placed over another empty bowl to keep the material at temp.
The results are collected from the other two bowls.
The Work bowl Is then shaken over a large round black tray. I watch extremely closely and when I even think that there is color coming in, I stop.
Like you see me state here several times, Quality over quality! I do leave a large amount of Medicine in the worked material to make sure I have quality hash.
I take that work material fan dry and then decarb and infuse every bit of it in coconut oil in my ArdentFX. I re-infuse with the last infused oil and any additional to make up the difference . I run that in "de-carb and infuse" cycles until all of its all done. That usually takes all day.
It's very powerful medicine! I've been stoned way too long unintentionally by getting just a little bit generous with it! I gave some to my veteran buddy and he still has most of it. It's bit him and the butt too! :eyebrows: :funny: :funny: He really couldn't afford that to happen with two little ones to take care.

Don't think I'm scolding you man or anything remotely like that. Because I'm not!:headbang::pass:

I'm just explaining what I do so that others may see something that might fit with how they do things and make it better quality hash.
I don't think it's really that difficult to produce a very high quality hash using dry ice. Just have to be attentive!
You don't make Live Rosin like this with vegetative matter in it. :eyebrows::eyebrows:

Don't think I'm scolding you man or anything remotely like that. Because I'm not!:headbang:
Wait…!?! I was supposed to read this in a stern voice? You gotta warn a mofo up front about shit like that :rofl:


That’s probably the best technique I’ve heard of for dry ice hash. Most folks I know that do it do the lazy way….pick a bubble bag micron size (usually 120 or so) and use a bucket…. And do two shakes, collecting in between. The second has a lot more green in it than the first. :pass:
Thanks for asking. It's been a little rough, but I think I'm gonna make it. High anxiety was keeping me up all night, every night. The new Twenty20 ChicLit and Strawberry Biscotti harvests have me sleeping like a baby again.
That DoubleBubble is night night for me and a whole bunch of other people!!!! If you're not very focused and you sit down for a bit to chill.................. You'll probably chill for longer than you intended!! :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny:
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