Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Being open minded and gullible are 2 different things. Just cause someone entertains ideas does not make then gullible. Gullible means "easily duped" ... I have said multiple times that I'm not saying I'm right about any of this, just a fun topic to explore hence the open minded comment.
Then it’s more a matter of how one prefers to pass the time.
But Ignoring something you can see (density) vs something you can't see (gravity) is kinda close minded. I mean they have been lying to us since we were kids so I can see why people have a hard time adjusting their thought process on the matter. But I don't care what people believe, I don't think people are any less cause they think a certain way. I'm just a stoner man and I like to play around with ideas and I think it's a fun topic.
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Asteroid with moons!

Dude, you can build your own gear with a laser and photoreceptors to bounce off the reflector to prove its there. There are tons of videos on youtube of people doing it.

We've not gone back because funding to NASA was gutted after the moon landings. The space shuttle was a clusterfuck and had all sorts of insane requirements because the CIA was demanding to be able to use it to pick up spy satellites for espionage.
Like I said bring me YOUR pictures and show me.

And NASA had a huge budget because of what they were trying to accomplish.. it didn't start out that high. They said it themselves in a video I've posted before "the reason we haven't gone back is because we lost that technology and it would be too expensive to replicate it"


I mean it's pretty weird how they were able to do it with such minimal technology back then but now they can't get it done. Everytime they start talking about going back it just keeps getting postponed again and again..

Sorry if it offends you guys but I just don't buy it.. when we do go back I'll come back and admit I was wrong. Most of the people here that "saw" the moon landing on TV were kids when they saw it.. I'm not gonna believe it just cause the internet says so or because a few of you guys "saw it with your own eyes" ...
What are you guys talking about? Is it some kind of mysteory? :thanks:

Me and 420 are talking about who got the first post on page 1000 nothing important the rest of the conversation is about gravity, space, the moon, and who's closed minded :shrug::pop:
Then it’s more a matter of how one prefers to pass the time.
I guess that could be the case, but for people to be so closed off to the idea and immediately say you're a gullible conspiracy theorist looks a bit more like cognitive dissonance to me. But hey what do I know right? :shrug:
Me and 420 are talking about who got the first post on page 1000 nothing important the rest of the conversation is about gravity, space, the moon, and who's closed minded :shrug::pop:

Oh, okey. So a normal discussion then… Nothing new under the sun. But sometimes you guys are weird, just saying.
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