Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Big yielding plants always seem to have lesser quality bud, in my experience. :pass:
Root Beer Float would be an exception, believe me. The Rosin is super potent, and produces a trippy head high that lasts for hours.

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There's a ton of factors for sure! But genetics set the limits of the plants full potential. Also I'm super fucking high lmao.
:yeahthat:facts we are on the same page don't take me wrong :biggrin: :d5:

me too home now think i'm at dab 5 now:shrug::baked:
Root Beer Float would be an exception, believe me. The Rosin is utterly potent, and produces a trippy head high that lasts for hours.
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I do think the smaller breeders' large and XXL plants have much better quality bud. With some of the bigger companies it seems like they sacrifice quality for size sometimes. I cannot wait to run RBF and the Hellhound XXL.
Livestoners... how old are you guys? No need to be specific, but in what decades are you born? :pass:
74 :biggrin:

Not the oldest here, but getting on. :pighug:
We were free-range kids so mom might not see us all day until dinner. We could be anywhere, at somebody's house or in the woods or up a tree. Mom had a lot of Okie aphorisms. Some of her favorites were "If you don't have anything nice to say... Shut Up!" and one I've used on my own kids, "If yr gonna be dumb, you better be tough."
Free range - I like it. So was I. Unless I was in school, my parents would have no bloody idea where I was. Until meal time that is. :biggrin:
If you believe that, you should have seen the fish I caught!

However, I do absolutely believe there are some growers here who could pull it off.

But I do wonder if the final product suffers a bit. Like some of the prize winning vegetables. They get unpalatable past a certain point. Woody and tough.

Here it is —>



5x5 tent, 4.2lb. What do you think?
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