Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Not really sure but I have gotten better germ rates since I read about it and started adding it. Lot of peeps swear by the paper towel method and I have never gotten one to sprout that way, got about 7/8 out of 10 with plain water consistently and near 100% with H2O2...
How much peroxide to water? I use these little measuring cups... the next grow..
How much peroxide to water? I use these little measuring cups... the next grow..
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Drugstore peroxide is a 3% solution; if it’s used, add it at the rate of one part H202 to five parts water.
It's in the link I posted I believe this is also the common recommendation
I just have a confusing plant right now, she droops all the time, more water dont help, less water dont help. Thats why I threw in the idea of maybe its my lighting. And her tops are twisted.

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It looks like your like you're in soil right. For me going by weight is working well. I only water when my pot is about 1/3 its saturated weight sometimes even less, but as far as I know twisted leaves on top is kinda normal. All my plants have done it at some point.
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