Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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HEADS UP just talked to a manager at acinfinity as their first line of defense customer service rep was useless..
Ac infinity claims that their 100 DOLLAR carbon filters only last 3 to 6 months and that plants "do not smell in veg" so you dont need to scrub the air during veg and they recommend you do not use the carbon filter in veg LOL
Ive had cheapo vivosun filters last longer. The one I have was used for 3 months and I am already going to have to swap the flange around.

ALSO If you have the same issue as I am, and want a replacement, you will have to go without a filter during the replacement process as they require you to send the item back to them prior to replacement.

Not impressed.
Good thing i dont use 1! I ain’t got that issue! I just sleep in a bedroom that wreaks of ganja! But they are full of malarkey my plants stank like crazy this round in veg long before flip! By about 30 days they started getting a funky aroma and at lights out it got extra strong! :d5:
Well gro peeps, I managed to catch up. Damn near made it to over 100 alerts before I started to catch up with them.

So, now I am off to do a wee bit'o trimming. See you in due course after the brown bagging is complete. :pighug:
Lmao a whole 100….just between bedtime last night and when i first logged on at 10am i had 73! How long are we talking for the 100 alerts?

Also wait til @Suki shows back up and u can maybe hit 1000! ;) :rofl:
I'm so happy I live in a state where I can grow with out having to worry about big brother....
The only thing in danger from a stoner is a friggin Twinkie.
Gateway drug my ass...

Meanwhile I've got three different sets of friends who's kids are never coming back, my friends are devasted thier lives are never gonna be the same and Purdue pharma gets to file for bankruptcy wash their hands and walk away.
Suboxin was a lifesaver my dude! 10yrs of snorting oxy and xanax and i kicked them things with no withdrawals and therefore no issue using suboxin! :thumbsup:
Hey @Fermented_Fruitz just picked up material to make a tumble trimmer like yours :headbang:Any improvements you would suggest? I saw in your thread about bigger holes in the bucket :thumbsup: Anyone think of anything else?:d5:

Ya 1 thinv i would work on improving would be the way it is mounted inside tote! Mine works fine but i didnt exactly have a plan for making it i just used so spare pvc parts i had around the house already! Def try to get a tote thats not much bigger then the bucket so its easier to dump out! Also dont cheap out on the tote itself cuz u dont want a flimsy one u def need one that’s sturdy so u can drill thru it and push the pvc pipe in and out on regular basis without it cracking the tote!
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