Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Nine times out of ten the bloody warrantees are just marketing bs that they get away with because they can. My Vivosun lasted for one 2x4 grow, plus two 4x4 grows, and it still does a bit to keep the smell down. I considered replacing it, but it seems that everything on the market except the pricey high end stuff that few people buy are a regular screwup according to the reviews. I gave up, and am just exhausting outside after sucking through the old filter. I am not sure if I will bother replacing it. Escaping odor in the winter is not a problem where I live due to distance from neighbours, so the chickadees out there will have to suck it up. :biggrin:
I'm so happy I live in a state where I can grow with out having to worry about big brother....
The only thing in danger from a stoner is a friggin Twinkie.
Gateway drug my ass...

Meanwhile I've got three different sets of friends who's kids are never coming back, my friends are devasted thier lives are never gonna be the same and Purdue pharma gets to file for bankruptcy wash their hands and walk away.
Here is the desktop grow 24hours after the last round of restraints, fairly even canopy, I wonder how much stretch she is going to push.....
This double grape rosin is kicking my arse,,,AGAIN!!!

I sat here for an hour staring at the same page on the tablet, waiting for it to refresh on its own I guess...LOL

You Complaining................or Bragging.........?...................................... :eyebrows:
Anyone know if I could use a Medusa tray without a brain if my runoff is going outside? Would the runoff just stay in the pipe? Thanks.
Don’t see why not as long as the pipe has some pitch doesn’t take much:thumbsup: Shouldn’t be any different then draining into the brain box or just outside… As long as your drain point is below the drain in the tray:thumbsup:

Edit: 1/4 bubble is plenty of pitch
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