Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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@Dale's Proper Bud - Get the T-check if you are making lots of edibles regularly. I have one on recommendation from @Fermented_Fruitz .

Very easy to use and it's nice having a ballpark idea what the strength of your oil/butter is per ml. We make a lot of gummies. Use boring square molds but consistent and uniform pieces for dosing. My patient says she can tell the difference in strength and it correlates well to the T-check readings. (2mg/ml vs 4mg/ml)

You do have to bluetooth connect it to a cellphone with their app and they demand location data for some reason. I simply bought a $20 burner smartphone, discarded the SIM, and only connect once the phone has wifi over VPN. Bite me T-check, love your product but you can think I'm in the EU.
That Annie chick she was lying and falsifying her lab reports…. The other chick was actually stealing drugs from lab! Started out stealing the 100% purity stuff that is used to calibrate lab equipment and then moved on to stealing drugs from the bags to be tested and eventually started totally swapping the drugs for fake stuff! She was smoking crack all day long in the work bathroom to where people noticed thst before the drug issue was figured out! Found out who it was by searching her station and finding bags of missing shit and a couple crack pipes at her work desk! :doh::haha::rofl:
Charles Cullen. The guy from the good nurse on Netflix now is a local fella. Know a lot of people who were young when they worked with him :yoinks:
She reminds me of him with her drug use!

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