Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Cheaper if you go off amazon. Ive seen the single probe moisture meters for 4 bucks on amazon. They always said my soil was too wet
Bro i almost killed my tomato plants first grow using one! I give a 5gal less then a quart and a week later still showed meter maxed out!
Bro i almost killed my tomato plants first grow using one! I give a 5gal less then a quart and a week later still showed meter maxed out!
I almost killed my first photo. Pot dry af still hydrated medium but pot was light as air. Still was too wet
Bro i almost killed my tomato plants first grow using one! I give a 5gal less then a quart and a week later still showed meter maxed out!
Most good analog soil meters are more expensive then digital ones! Blumat makes killer ones and digital is $80ish and analog can run as high as $200 at times so imagine quality of a $4 one in comparison!
I almost killed my first photo. Pot dry af still hydrated medium but pot was light as air. Still was too wet
I have a built in moisture meter. I stick my finger to the first knuckle in the soill of my tomato plants. If it's dry I water them
I figure mine come out around 5 to 7 mg each lol. I'm a friggin light weight I take 2 or 3 I'm good lol
I aim for 20mg plus and i usually grab 6 when i take some out the bag! :d5:
Sounds like u need to stop bullshitting and get a tcheck my dude! Test your butter/oil strength before u make a batch! Then u know how many doses to cut! Or if u wanna make each brownie a certain strength the app has a calculator and u tell it strength of oil/what recipe calls for/ and what desired strenth & portion count….then it tells u how much of your oil to use usually diluted down with some uninfused oil!
Yup been wanting one of those 2 but just haven't purchased one and our edibles work... just sometimes I eat more just cause I dab all day everyday so it is really hard to judge if the edible is working when your already baked:shrug: :baked:
IMO, she is happy as a pig in shit. My Seedsman Strawberry Cheesecake Auto had leaves just like that, and I chased the thing for most of the grow. Methinks it is just an odd corner of the genetics, I would stop worrying about it. If you keep your nutes and pH sorted, she will be beautiful. You may do more harm than good trying to defeat that leaf behaviour.

Good luck with it, whatever you decide to do. :pighug::goodluck:
I need to stop thinking every plant has to be picture perfect, 40 years as an Inspector, lol.
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