Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Them things would be awesome for dialing in the blumats!
Do they actually work better then a cheap analog moisture meter?... I have couple those but here conflicting thoughts i stopped using them while ago... But for shits and giggle the other night I stuck one in the soil pot and I was in the green :yoinks::cooldance::yay:
Thanks for the Reps @Dale's Proper Bud Two down and smoking a vap debating on having another muffin. I think I need to double infuse my oil going forward. Maybe invest in one of those infusers.
Edibles are a fickle beast I eat them but never know when or how hard there going to hit me...I tried to talk the wife in to double infusing and she looked at me crazy then says eat more :doh::salute::crying::crying:
Edibles are a fickle beast I eat them but never know when or how hard there going to hit me...I tried to talk the wife in to double infusing and she looked at me crazy then says eat more :doh::salute::crying::crying:

It's been a while since I've found myself upside-down on the couch thinking too much. Some times you just want to test the limits.
Do they actually work better then a cheap analog moisture meter?... I have couple those but here conflicting thoughts i stopped using them while ago... But for shits and giggle the other night I stuck one in the soil pot and I was in the green :yoinks::cooldance::yay:
Those cheap moisture meters are prob better to rotisserie a chicken then they are for measuring soil moisture! If u are referring to them cheap ass $12 meters u can get at Home Depot!
Edibles are a fickle beast I eat them but never know when or how hard there going to hit me...I tried to talk the wife in to double infusing and she looked at me crazy then says eat more :doh::salute::crying::crying:

Sounds like u need to stop bullshitting and get a tcheck my dude! Test your butter/oil strength before u make a batch! Then u know how many doses to cut! Or if u wanna make each brownie a certain strength the app has a calculator and u tell it strength of oil/what recipe calls for/ and what desired strenth & portion count….then it tells u how much of your oil to use usually diluted down with some uninfused oil!
Edibles are a fickle beast I eat them but never know when or how hard there going to hit me...I tried to talk the wife in to double infusing and she looked at me crazy then says eat more :doh::salute::crying::crying:

I like edibles but tend to just make gummies lately cause they're small and pretty consistent in size. Soon as a batch is done I take half what I think I should keeps it simple
Those cheap moisture meters are prob better to rotisserie a chicken then they are for measuring soil moisture! If u are referring to them cheap ass $12 meters u can get at Home Depot!
Cheaper if you go off amazon. Ive seen the single probe moisture meters for 4 bucks on amazon. They always said my soil was too wet
I like edibles but tend to just make gummies lately cause they're small and pretty consistent in size. Soon as a batch is done I take half what I think I should keeps it simple
Store bought gummies….

After making homemade ones that melt in your mouth my bro in law gave me a 100g one from his pack from the dispensary and all i could do while eating it was look over at his dog chewing on a rubber bone and i thought….

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