Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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We just go outside or into my garage so it's not in anybody's face and away from the kids. So we disappear for 20 minutes and then come back inside and everybody is happy/stoned :woohoo:
gotta do what works. Sounds like you have it sorted. All the best for the celebrations, and the New Year. :pighug:
Lets put him on double secret probation.
WTF is double secret probation! I doubt that puking down the porcelain throne didn't involve secrets. :crying:
Well kittens, I'm off now.....Have a happy night an may your secret Santa be a naughty one. :stir:
belated nightly night, may yer celebrations go better than possible, and yer grows be perfect in 2023! :pighug::cheers::bighug:
Well peeps, I'm off to the couch and a movie with the dearest. No mother in law, no family of any kind other than my dearest, and only a tiny bit of wrapping to do, post movie. Just me, the dearest, and the finest hound known to mankind today. (with apologies to all the other perfect hounds out there in AFN, especially Gracie and Duder). :biggrin:

Take care you gro bros and gals, I hope that the new year includes your best grows, your tastiest and firest weed, and your most fun growing. AFN, my only social medium, largely because our fine moderators keep a lid on the bad stuff.

OF signing off for Christmas eve in western Canada.

:bighug: :pighug: :cheers: :worship: :pighug::pighug::worship::biggrin:
Happy Holidays Everyone!



Thanks for being here, it’s wonderful to know you all!
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