Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Mornin everybody. Merry Christmas Eve!

3* outside with -15 wind chill. 6700 people around here with no power or heat and it's not supposed to be turned back on until 11pm Monday :yoinks:
Not really looking forward to firing up the smoker and outdoor cooking today for sure
No more mai tai's for you fat boy
@Talonxracer Merry Christmas mate!

@Mossy I've already had a vision of the 27th and all it disappearing looool

Already blazed 3 joints, made the glaze for the ham, put the ham in to cook, coleslaw and potato salad done, time to roll another and pour a lovely DeadMans Fingers and coke!
Last year I had the brilliant idea of making chicken piccatta for Christmas Eve at moms. Then I thought hey while I'm at it let's extract my decarbed weed into Coconut oil. Well being the brain surgeon that I am I went and licked up all the left over oil. I mean waste not want not right ???
but the whole time I was thinking this probably ain't a good idea..
Well an hour later halfway thru the chicken I got sooo stoned all I could do was sit down and watch the whole damn Ray Charles movie b4 I could function.
Hahaha it ended well
Sad part is this isn't the first time you'd think I'd learn
Fuck me beautiful, dining and 12 ordinary people around the table and we are limited to 1 beer per person. This is fantastic! :woohoo:
Who in their right minds came up with that??? Whoever did u should take their beer lol
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