Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Hell no lol so much wrapping to do you can call me Eminem lol (dad joke!)
Just want over with tbh lol
And u?

Oh....Im just exhausted with all the shopping and present we've had to do....


Throw another joint on the fire.......:smoker:.......
Good morning all and merry Christmas Eve. Everything’s ready, all that’s left is celebration. My order from Multiverse beans should be here today but not holding my breath! The storm is about 30 miles north of me and no unnecessary travel. Maybe Monday…. Was gonna wrap it and put it under the tree as a present to me… from me… lol. I know, I know… spirit of giving. Well, if I didn’t give the seeds to myself as a gift I can’t grow them and give nice bags of Christmas spirit… Catch-22! Lmfao!
Fuck me beautiful, dining and 12 ordinary people around the table and we are limited to 1 beer per person. This is fantastic! :woohoo:


Spanking the Xmas Fairy........... :headbang:
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