Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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My way of treating my tap water with no issues at all....1/32tspn vit c, 1/8tspn npk yucca, 4ml of hydroguard for 5 gal of tap....I also use teah down from tealab.....thats every water...I add other stuff when time but that's just how I plainly water my ro or calmag....and my plants are doing way better...I bubble the water for 24 to 48hr....
I'm going to take the strains I have atm and mix them all in bags for Xmas gifts to some people and call it Candy Crush.....with all the strains names....
When i used to buy, i would save a small nug from each bag and roll the12 strains of Christmas joints. Now i just pass out jars.
X-mas eve the kids will be over telling stories of the things me and the mrs had hid in our bedroom when they were growing up, and our deception of acting like straight laced parents will go up in smoke, as we all pass the joints. It's hard to pretend that your normal.
I can't wait for those days
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