Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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We're newly recreationally legal here. For you to get fired from your job you have to be deemed stoned on the spot by a "drug recognition expert". Thing is the state hasn't licensed a single DRE yet... So everybody that's been fired for failing a drug test for weed has won a lawsuit :joy:
What a strange dystopian future we’ve found ourselves in…..:rofl:
We're newly recreationally legal here. For you to get fired from your job you have to be deemed stoned on the spot by a "drug recognition expert". Thing is the state hasn't licensed a single DRE yet... So everybody that's been fired for failing a drug test for weed has won a lawsuit :joy:
I heard our first fully legal dispo is due to open in NYC anytime now soon :goodluck: :pass:
A lot of employers are relaxing their policies because they can't find people to work in general.
My job is, but they are relaxing on all their employment critera. We have people physically incapable of doing the work here. Calling in every other week because they pulled this or strained that. Also as bad as it is to say. We have gotten a huge influx of child molesters employed here. I mean I know they need a job, but 4 out of the last 5 people we hired on my shift are on the list for life....and all with pretty bad statute violations. Other departments have said half their employees have a very sketchy criminal past.
Idk what happened to the work ethic in this country, but its causing jobs to hire undesirable people making jobs like mine become more strict with attendance policies, but more laxed on day to day responsibilities. As long as you come in, you dont have to work. That alone makes people that do work quit.
We're newly recreationally legal here. For you to get fired from your job you have to be deemed stoned on the spot by a "drug recognition expert". Thing is the state hasn't licensed a single DRE yet... So everybody that's been fired for failing a drug test for weed has won a lawsuit :joy:
Wtf is a recognition expert, that sounds like a great way for people to lose their job because their recognition expert is an asshole.
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